More couples don’t believe in marriage – Binghay

CEBU, Philippines - A church official believes that many couples nowadays no longer believe in the sacrament of marriage, which could be a factor in the decline of marriages in the Philippines based on the  figures released by the National Statistics Office (NSO).

“One thing nganong nagkagamay ang marriages is ang pagtuo nga ang sakramaento sa kasal wala na kinahanglana,” said Cebu Archdiocese Episcopal Vicar Msgr. Esteban Binghay.

Binghay also cited financial incapacity or mere laziness in complying with the necessary documents as reasons for not getting marrying.

“Hasol na kaayo pag-comply sa mga dokumento, nobody will help them unya busy sila pagpangita og panginabuhian,” Binghay said.

In a date released by the NSO on March 27, marriages registered with the office went from 482,480 in 2011 to 476,408 in 2012 or a decline of 1.3 percent.

Since 2009, NSO added, the number of registered marriages in the country has been declining.

But Binghay still urged couples to get married and believe in the sacrament of marriage.

But he stressed that marriage is only for “prepared” couples.

“Marriage is for those who have the capacity or prepared to marry and willing to be with each other until the end. Dili pinugos,” Binghay said.

He added that if a couple would marry only because the guy accidentally impregnated his girlfriend, or some other impractical reasons, it’s better to dismiss the idea of marriage.

Binghay is against the divorce bill because it is like cutting off marriage vows.

“Okay ra ang annulment. Ang divorce kay ang pag-cut-off man g’yud sa marriage vows. Imbes mag-sacrifice and mu-understand sa situation, mag-divorce na lang dayon,” Binghay said.

Marilou Caday from Ormoc City, and has been married for 27 years believes that marriage is sacred and that couples should not be forced into it.

But Caday is for divorce.

“Uyon ko kay kun ang marriage di na jud mag-work, why go on?” Caday explained.  (FREEMAN)

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