Declining since 2009 NSO stats showless marriages

CEBU, Philippines - Are marriages in the Philippines on the decline?  Apparently so, just basing on figures of the National Statistics Office.

According to data released by the NSO just last March 27, there were 476,408 marriages registered in 2011 showing a decline of 1.3 percent from the previous year’s figure of 482,480.

Since 2009, the number of registered marriages in the country has been declining, the NSO said in a press statement.

With a daily average of 1,799 marriages, February considered as the “Love Month” remains a favorite month for couples to tie the knot.

However, statistics showed that the highest number of marriages occurred in the month of May with 55,529 or 11.7 percent of the total.

Women also prefer to marry at an earlier age than men.

“There was a disparity between men and women when it comes to marrying age.  The median age for brides was 25.3 while 28.0 for grooms showing that women prefer to marry at an earlier age than men.  The highest number of brides who got married was seen at age group 20-24, while for grooms it was in age group 25-29,” the press statement read.

It added that marriage ceremonies performed through civil rites was the most common of all types of marriage ceremonies performed. 

Civil marriages accounted for 202,614 or 42.5 percent of the total marriages.  Roman Catholic marriages remained second in the list with 171,046 recorded marriages or 35.9 percent of the total marriages.

Marriages contracted through other religious rites including Muslim weddings accounted for about 20.8 percent while there were 3,167 marriages solemnized under tribal rites.

Former congresswoman Cynthia Villar, who is running for senator under Team PNoy said that if given a chance to have a seat at the Senate, she will initiate for the amendment of the Family Code of the Philippines instead of pushing for the passage of the Divorce Law.

“Ako anti-divorce. Hindi tayo papayag diyan. Kasi kung may divorce sa Pilipinas, yung mag-asawa konting away lang divorce agad. Kawawa naman yung mga anak nila,” said Villar, who has been married to Sen. Manuel Villar for more than 38 years.

Villar said that currently, the Philippines allows annulment and legal separation but the process is very expensive.

“I will initiate for the amendment of the Family Code of the Philippines na hindi na magiging masyadong mahal ang proseso.  We will make annulment and legal separation affordable especially among ordinary Filipinos lalo na kung hindi na talaga maiiwasan na dapat nang maghiwalay,” Villar said.

Villar however insisted that “preservation of family is very important. Kasi kung magkahiwalay ang mag-asawa, yung mga anak nila ang kawawa”.  —/BRP (FREEMAN)

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