Magpale lowers CSBT parking fee

CEBU, Philippines - Acting Cebu Governor Agnes Magpale has approved the reduction of parking fees for buses at the Cebu South Bus Terminal.

The decision would cost the provincial government P8 million in profits every year.

But Magpale said when the Provincial Economic Enterprise Council discussed the request from the bus operators, the members have agreed to balance making profit and public service.

The P50 reduction of bus parking fee from the current P200 came after mini bus and bus operators in Cebu met with Magpale in January 30 where the operators sought for the reduction of the fee since it was too expensive.

Effective last October 31, 2012, the provincial government increased the parking fee from P100 to P200 plus an entrance fee of P20 for taxi per entry which was previously P10. Consequently, bus operators sought for then Governor Gwendolyn Garcia’s reconsideration on the increase but disapproved.

Julieto Flores, president of the Cebu Provincial Bus Operators Association, said that although they have not seen the approved copy of the fee yet, they are very happy with the new development.

Magpale said that the reduction of fee would be effective this Monday, in time for the upcoming Lenten season where the number of passengers are expected to increase in the bus terminal.

According to Magpale, although they will be losing P8M in profit from the bus terminal, they were assured by the operators that the reduction of fee would result to more buses to be parked inside the terminal.

The increase of parking fee reportedly discouraged bus drivers and operators from parking inside the terminal and instead have been parking in another nearby terminal.

With this, Magpale said that the P8M loss of profit that they have computed may even be lessened since there would be more buses.

Magpale said that they are thankful as well for the bus operators who have been very considerate especially with the financial status of the province.

Apart from more buses, Magpale said that they bargained with the bus operators that a reduction would be granted but they need to assure that no increase of fare would take place.

Further, Magpale said that she would need to discuss again with the PECC regarding another request to slash the P5 fee for comfort rooms for all senior citizens. — (FREEMAN)

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