Ombuds junks admin case vs. former school worker

CEBU, Philippines -  For lack of jurisdiction, the Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas dismissed the administrative complaint filed against a man who was accused of spreading rumors about a woman having an affair with a priest.

 The man, a utility worker at Bitoon Elementary School in Bitoon, Dumanjug, allegedly spread rumors that the woman, a wife of a policeman, was a “paramour” of a former parish priest of San Vincent Church Parish.

“Wherefore, premises considered, the administrative complaint for misconduct against respondent (name withheld) is dismissed, for lack of jurisdiction,” the decision reads.

In her five-page decision, graft investigator Amy Rose Soler-Rellin said that the Ombudsman has no jurisdiction over the complaint filed by the woman.

Based on record, the respondent has retired from government service nine days before the filing of the complaint.

“Undisputed is the fact prior to the filing of the instant complaint on 10 June 2011, respondent had already retired from government service effective 1 June 2011. Such fact effectively rendered this Office devoid of jurisdiction over respondent, who could no longer be considered a government employee,” the decision said.

Rellin said because of the respondent’s retirement from government service, he is considered a private individual.

In her complaint, the woman alleged that the respondent spread rumors that she has an affair with the priest.

Aside from the administrative complaint, the woman also filed a criminal case for grave oral defamation against the respondent before the Municipal Circuit Trial Court (MCTC) in Dumanjug.

In its decision on April 26, 2011, the MCTC found the respondent guilty. —LPM (FREEMAN)

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