Badian rape suspect faces raps

CEBU, Philippines -  The man who stabbed a mother and her 12-year-old son after he was accused of raping her nine-year-old girl will face charges for two counts of rape and frustrated murder in relation to RA 7610 or Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act.

Charges will be filed in court on Monday against Zenon Siaboc, 55.

Siaboc was arrested by the Carcar City police while on board a bus heading towards Cebu City a few hours after he committed the crime in Barangay Calangcang, Badian.

PO3 Josefina Beriarmente, Women and Children Protection Center officer, learned that last November 5 was not the first time the nine-year-old victim was raped by Siaboc.

The girl, however, could no longer recall when the first incident happened.

Results of the medical examination from the Don Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center says there was no evident injury found at the time of examination.

Bariarmente clarified that such medical evaluation could not exclude sexual abuse since not all rape victims could have laceration.

The victim was reportedly fetching water not far from their house when Siaboc called her and asked her to sit on his lap. Siaboc, according to the report, then raped her.

The mother and the victim went to the police station last Thursday to report the incident but Bariarmente asked the mother to get the birth certificate of the victim to be attached for the filing of the case.

Bariarmente waited but the mother no longer appeared. It was at this time when they received a telephone call of a stabbing incident in the barangay.

“Mao na diay to nga wala na kabalik kay nadunggaban na man diay,” Bariarmente said. (We learned that she was stabbed that’s why she failed to return to our office.)

Siaboc, armed with a knife, got upset when he learned that victim’s family will file a case against him. He allegedly waited for the victims along the road before he stabbed them.

Siaboc tried to elude arrest but was apprehended in Carcar City.

The mother and her 12-year-old son who are suffering from stab wounds in the different parts of their bodies are still recuperating at the DVSMMC.

The nine-year-old victim and her 12-year-old brother will undergo a stress debriefing to be conducted by the Municipal Social Welfare Department Office.  (FREEMAN)


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