Despedida for Father Soc Saldua

Last August 4, the Jesu Christi Community of Cebu, Inc. hit two birds with one stone. Actually, the day was Fr. Soc Saldua`s birthday but the members of the community thought it was but timely for them to have the farewell party for the priest that they highly loved for the last 38 years.

As if it was only yesterday when Fr. Saldua, after his ordination in 1981, came to join our community, the Jesu Christi Community. And since then, he became our spiritual adviser. He therefore was close to all our members, more so with our children whom he nurtured with the Word of God and Love.

Fr. Saldua is now transferred to Bogo City, and will be there for five years. We will surely miss him, especially his beautiful homilies every Sunday. But our dear priest assured our group that he will be with us in our prayer meetings on Mondays, as well as with the Gentle Breeze group on Tuesdays.

To our beloved Fr. Soc, may the good Lord be with you always. We will always love you, Fr. Soc!

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