Kidstuff: A Letter for Mom

Dear Mommy Liz,

Thank you for taking care of me. I can still remember the times you carried me and slowly danced me to sleep. The softness of your voice when you sing me a lullaby at night is what gives me a peaceful sleep. Whenever I have nightmares, you are always at my side to assure me that I am safe and that you will never leave me. I like it when you cuddle me and kiss me goodnight.

Mom, I thank God that He gave me a loving mother. I know that you are tired when you get home from the office but you always help me with my homework. Thank you for teaching me how to cook rice and wash the dishes. I am happy to help you do the chores. When I get older, I will wash the clothes and clean the house on weekends so that you can take a rest.

These days, I see you rubbing your shoulders at night, Mom. I want to give you a massage but you always tell me that you are fine and that I should just focus on doing my assignments. I wish there was something I could do to make it easier for you.

Maybe if Dad were alive, things would be a lot better and you wouldn’t have to do everything for our family. I miss him, Mom. I know you miss him, too. He was the one who taught me how to play basketball. Thank you for playing ball with me on weekends even if you don’t like to run a lot. Because of you, I can’t forget what I learned from Dad.

I enjoy the picnics we have in our garden. The foods we eat are simple but healthy. I like the fruits you prepare. Even if I don’t like vegetables so much, I eat them because you cook them for me. Thank you for teaching me not to be a picky eater. When I grow up and have my own job, I will take you to restaurants that serve fresh and organic food so that you will be healthy and live longer.

Mom, I’m sorry if I sometimes forget to place my used clothes in the laundry basket. Thank you for teaching me to put things in their proper places. As time passed by, I realize that it is easier to locate things when I know where I place them.

I am so lucky and blessed to have a mother like you. I know I will grow up to be a fine young man because of the things I learned from you.

I love you so much.



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