Feng Shui for saving more money

There are eight ways to save more using Feng Shui:


1.  Water is money in feng shui.  The right placement of water elements therefore attract and save money in a place, be it home or business.  So better do both!

2.  Having a pond or aquarium is the best enhancer when it comes to saving money.

3.  Avoid entrance door to exit door situation as it leads to money leakage.

4.  Any faucet or plumbing leak means water or money losses!

5.  Stairs leading to entrance or exit doors symbolize money going out easily.

6.  Lions, tigers or man-eating cat symbolize loss of monies. Avoid them at home or at work.

7. Octagon symbols refrain one from increasing savings.

8.  Arowana fish and turtle attracts more income, therefore more savings.

Why more savings? The beginning of riches is savings!

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