Suitcase Feng Shui

A lucky suitcase adds zest to one’s travels!


There are only five considerations for a happy-go-lucky suitcase!

First is size.  Choose the most practical and convenient size for your needs conforming with what is allowed on board airplanes, buses or shipping vessels!

Second is color.  Green for wood element people, red for fire, white or metallic for metal, yellow or brown, earth tones for earth and blue or black for water!

Third, design, never have unlucky designs. Like your zodiac and its conflicting animal sign! Same with colors of designs. Triangular or octagon, lion, tiger or merlion designs are unlucky!

Fourth, shape! Octagon, triangle or diamond shape suitcases are unlucky.  Try round, rectangle, square or circular only!

Fifth, lock combination. Avoid 4 or 7 at all times.  More 2 or 8s advisable.

Lucky travels everyone!


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