Love Nest Feng Shui

Master Bedroom Feng Shui Dos & Don’ts:

• Do decorate with your lucky colors. Do not use unlucky colors... individual and as a couple!

• Do orient bed to your common denominator lucky direction feng shui as a couple as case may be. Don’t put bed fronting mirror, door or at ceiling, electrical service box entrance (coffin image).

• Do space clear your comfort room. Don’t put any candle, family picture or family member picture, or cigarette lighter!

• Do put happy artwork. Don’t put water features or symbol and related artwork. Never put calendar with water feature pictures. Financial drains!

• Do sleep at left side of husband. Don’t let hubby sleep to your right, equals under the skirt effect.

• Do position bedroom in your common lucky Feng Shui quadrant. Don’t put in front of road or street due to dead end or tumbok effect.

• Do put mirror not facing bed. Don’t put ceiling mirrors as it creates mental illnesses.

• Don’t have any octagon decor or designs including plates, tables, drinking glass, light fixtures or rosary containers. Do put round designs!

• Don’t have Merlion decor or lions, tigers especially as refrigerator magnets! They take a life away over time. Love life included! Thus, separation.

Remember it’s your love nest. Do not forget to make love delightfully! With or without lights on. Love for health, wealth and happiness must rule master bedroom feng shui!

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