
Freeman Cebu Lifestyle

Decreasing Alcoholism Among Young People

The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines — There is an observed decrease in alcohol consumption among adolescents. Analysts attribute this to some degree to social media. Another important factor for the trend is the higher level of educational attainment among parents.

Growing numbers of youths are heading towards adulthood without drinking at all, let alone binge drinking. Teenagers now have parents who talk to them like they’re friends and, thus, are more able to get through them. Also, teenagers spend much more of their social time on the internet.

Everything seems to work together now. Laws that restrict the sale of alcoholic drinks to minors are also another factor. Public health campaigns warning of the dangers of excess drinking help a lot, as well.

But it, sadly, if the “home” factor – is lacking, the parents educating their kids on alcoholic drinks – all the other factors won’t be as effective, or at least will take much longer to sink in with the young. It would take an extraordinarily firm kid to be able to resist peer pressure. This is especially so in a generation – well, every young generation does – that tends to be keen on going for the prohibited.

In a family where at least one parent drinks, there is obviously a greater likelihood for the kids to get the habit. Curiously, the same parent who drinks will have higher credibility in talking against alcoholism to his or her kids. The warning will ring like “voice of experience” to the young ones.

The shift in drinking behavior is likely the result of broad cultural factors, one expert opines. And, for sure, young people’s love of the internet, including social media and online games, is taking up so much of their time. They simply do not have as much time left to find themselves in drinking situations.

The recent estimate is that 14- to 20-year-old Filipinos use the internet more than four hours per day on average. It is entertainment that has displaced other leisure activities in young people’s lives, including those involving alcohol consumption.

The trend has been happening in the last decade or so. There’s no guarantee that the trend will continue, though; hence, parents may have to take advantage of it now. By educating the kids now, there may be less likelihood for the young ones to fall to the trap when Facebook or Twitter becomes less of a novelty. (FREEMAN)

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