A View From the Summit

CEBU, Philippines - Many of us struggle to find balance between our daily hectic schedule at work and our personal life. We just know that without such balance, we will fall into the pit of burnout, exhaustion, and stress. At the very least, we become unproductive and less motivated; at worst, we endanger our wellbeing.

 As a journalist, for example, I face deadlines on a daily – sometimes hourly – basis. There seems to be an endless list of people to interview, questions to ask, data to research about. There are always stories to submit, and always too little time for doing them.

That’s why a breather is necessary, for all of us who do the jobs of the world. There’s a saying: “You can’t give what you do not have.” One cannot expend energy that has not been stored beforehand from good rest. And all types of work demands energy, more especially work that requires keen attention and focus.

I have learned certain things that I find effective to maintain my balance:


While many people do not consider taking a vacation – for time and money constraints – I personally relish every opportunity to take a break from my day-to-day for a short time off.

I had such chance recently to join a group of media colleagues from Cebu and Davao on a three-day familiarization tour organized by Summit Hotels in Quezon City, Metro Manila, and Tagaytay City, Cavite province.

Cebu Pacific flew us from Cebu to Manila, about an hour’s flight. We were then whisked to Summit Hotel Magnolia, a unique 82-room boutique hotel at the heart of New Manila in Quezon City, a 40-minute drive from NAIA.

The hotel was a refreshing sight, a sanctuary in the midst of the urban jungle. The warm welcome by Summit Hotels and Resorts senior marketing manager Lisette Arena, the courteous demeanor of the hotel staff, and the well-furnished rooms, rekindled our somewhat wilted spirits from the trip.

The rooms were a real refuge, with the modest design accentuated with bold décors – and quite well-appointed with amenities. The feeling was every bit as homey, or even better. Our group found no need for the luxury offered at the hotel’s themed suites.


As we were getting truly comfortable, thought of a restful sleep filled everyone’s mind.

Considering the vast possibilities for fun in the tour’s itinerary, we certainly needed to store up on energy.  It was not at all hard to do on real nice beds, with sweet-smelling linens and duvets and hypoallergenic pillows.

And then we took the time to reconnect with ourselves and got back to feeling our best.


Next stop was Tagaytay City, a two-hour drive from Manila. “Tagaytay” is a Tagalog term meaning “ridge,” with its hills and mountains covered with forests and grasslands.

We stayed at the Summit Ridge Tagaytay, a 108-room property that offers a stunning view of Taal Lake and, yes, the Tall Volcano as well.

This was my second time to visit the city, only that this time I got a clearer view of the beauty and wonder of Taal from my hotel room. It was quite an enchanting experience.

Aside from the surrounding natural beauty, the hotel also offers relaxation and recreation facilities – spa, infinity pool, gym and indoor basketball and badminton courts. And for the guests cravings for food, numerous dining outlets are just next door at Summit Ridge Promenade.

Have a Massage

Personally, I think there is probably nothing more relaxing than having a massage. Our group of Cebu and Davao journalists availed of the spa service at the second floor of the Summit Ridge Tagaytay. There were a number of options – the Signature Massage, Stone Massage, Bentosa Cupping, Thermal Massage, Body Scrub, Foot Scrub, Foot Massage and Facial Cleansing, all of which were affordably priced.

I’ve read somewhere that even a single hour-and-a-half spa session could significantly lower a person’s heart rate, cortisol levels, and insulin levels – all of which help reduce stress. Indeed, just the right way to cap a much-deserved break from our stressful job routine.

It is not good to keep our noses close to the grindstone always. We need to straighten up once in a while – to look to the distance, to view life from a higher vantage point. Things can look refreshingly different from above.

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