The ideal honeymoon

CEBU, Philippines - First off, ideally two people in love need to get married first before they can go on an ideal honeymoon. Otherwise, it’s just another lovers’ trip. What makes a honeymoon a very special experience – aside from lovers having time together – is the fact that the couple have already formally made a commitment for each other.

But, hey, a honeymoon does not go ideal purely by the intensity of the couple’s love. A crucial element to it is proper planning.  Without proper planning, things can go wrong.

No honeymooners would probably want the slightest slip in their time together. How the honeymoon goes is often taken as a precedent to how the marital union will go. And so it’s worth making honeymoon preparations carefully.

The website suggests key things to consider in planning an ideal honeymoon:

Your relatives aren’t necessarily living your kind of lifestyle. So many couples don’t want to take time researching honeymoon destinations, so it’s natural that they turn to grandmother, who’s traveled quite a bit, or Great Aunt Becky, or Mom and Dad. In all fairness to your family and relatives, they’re not wearing the same style clothes you’re wearing or listening to your music, and they may not have taken a honeymoon trip in decades. It’s your honeymoon! It needs to reflect your younger tastes in accommodations and activities.

You don’t have to copy your best friends’ honeymoon. You’re not marrying your best friend’s spouse! Given that, your and your spouse’s honeymoon desires might be quite different from theirs for this occasion. Your pal and his new wife might have a completely different set of priorities on choosing their honeymoon destination. The best way to plan a perfect honeymoon is to have a trip tailored to your personal tastes.

Be wary of a “lowest price deal.” It may turn your honeymoon into a low-class experience. You get what you pay for. Even though all the low-price resorts may look good and sound good, there is a reason why they’re priced the way they are. There is a wide range in the quality of the food in the restaurants, the furnishings in the room, the overall atmosphere of the entire resort. So be sure to inquire about features versus prices at each property before booking.

Don’t be tricked by gorgeous photographs of places. Pictures don’t always tell the whole story, especially advertising photographs. Of course, resorts would always want you to see their ‘truth’ in a better light. It’s the job of the tourism office and hotels to cast the most favorable, appealing light on their island or resort.

Or no one may be trying to dupe you. It may just be that due to storms, floods, political upheavals, or change of ownership at hotels, the reality upon your arrival can be very different from the glossy photos you see on the web site or in the brochures.

Seek expert help in planning your honeymoon. Okay, both you and your spouse may be well-traveled. But, for sure, you have not been traveling every day, perhaps not even every week. Therefore, your knowledge about ideal destinations would be too limited compared to that of travel agents who deal with airline companies, hotels and resorts day-in and day-out, every day. They may even be able to swing a good deal for you with their ‘friends’ in the travel industry.

Don’t be selfish about your honeymoon. The experience must satisfy both of you, no matter who’s paying for it. It’s important to recognize that you both may want different things out of this one trip. Women want relaxation and romantic atmosphere – the cafes, the strolls along the beach; men like lots of activity. You need some give-and-take on this in your choice of destination. Don’t let your hobby take over the honeymoon, if it’s not one you both share. The wise man will know how to please the lady on this one special trip.

Don’t step down in style on your honeymoon. Have a honeymoon that reflects your best taste. Many couples wonder why the honeymoon they booked turns out to be disappointing. It’s very simple – what they booked for was not along the line of their taste and lifestyle. They probably just considered the price, the most ‘reasonable’ they could get. A smart couple will first pick a destination according to their taste and lifestyle, and deal with the price later.

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