Beauty Salon Feng Shui

Since "unisex" became an accepted word in the late 60s, many of us have experienced having a hair service in a beauty parlor now termed salon! But what makes a beauty salon lucky in feng shui?

Delight the customer with feng shui razzle dazzle ambiance. Staging is the basic name of the game for the first part, then feng shui principles for the last yet most important part. How to do it?

Spice up salon interiors and exteriors with your lucky feng shui color per professional advice from a real - take note, real or genuine - geomancer. Avoid Xs, diamonds, triangles, crosses or octagons in any design.

Do not have lions or tigers or panthers (not even the brand of extension cords or auto-voltage regulators that has a panther logo), including mosquito coils or sprays! Likewise, no Singapore merlion souvenirs in your salon.

Have ever smiling and courteous personnel. Never have heating elements face water elements in the shop lest you have personnel fighting with each other or a customer!

Never have a pakua or bagua or octagon Chinese mirror in or out of the premises. Or drinking glasses, ashtrays, tables as well as plates!

Watch out too for octagon-shaped rosary plastic cases or containers.

Never have hairdressers with a beard (especially the women!) nor eyebrows connected (ala Gary Estrada) as these invite poverty to one and all in the place.

Put an aquarium with arowana, if not eight goldfish with a black one, with proper feng shui advice on where to position it.

You may also have a pet turtle! While many customers, superstitious as they can be, will detest or protest, educating them on the feng shui benefits of this (for good health and prosperity) will make them better people after their salon treatment!

So in sum, eye-candy color appliqués will set your salon for better sales and profits, including that popular money cat on the cashier table facing the main door! Tandem it with the Chinese feng shui money frog.

Now the last and most important part: real salon feng shui entails proper guidance by a veteran expert on proper door orientations, feng shui remedies for health and wealth promotion, sales and collections, employee harmony, pantry design and layout as well as owner and cashier's office and hairdressers' lockers and lounge.

Proper feng shui has brought profits and benefits to many clients in the salon trade, namely Precy's of Greenhills and Makati, Hairshaft at the Fort, and others! Remember too that good music background enlivens the chi of your salon! Program visual peripherals like TV on proper times so as not to disturb the peace. Avoid unlucky plants like so called fortune bamboos and money trees. Use zamia instead or popularly known as welcome plant.

So there, before venturing into salon business, take time to look at the mirror for beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. In feng shui, you cannot give what you do not have... even in terms of a product or service. Remember to stay beautiful confidently inside out.

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