Fruitful Boosts

CEBU, Philippines – As it is just a few days after New Year, there must be some leftover fruits from the ritual set at the changing of the old and new years. There must be an orange or an apple left.

Oranges aren't just for getting your quota of vitamin C. They can also relieve mood swings and revive your energy. Place grated orange rind or twists of orange rind in small squares of cheese cloth. Fold and tie with a ribbon or twist tie. Take a sniff of the refreshing scent whenever your energy drops.

From Fix It, Clean It and Make It Last By the Editors of FC&A Publishing

Apples are used in nervous dyspepsia; they are nutritious, medicinal and vitalizing. They aid digestion, clear the voice, correct the acidity of the stomach, are valuable in rheumatism, insomnia, and liver trouble. An apple contains as much nutriment as a potato, in a pleasanter, more wholesome form.

From Household Hand Book, 1860

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