Is your hairstyle lucky?

Are you happy with your hairstyle or are you forced to have it due to the hot season? Beware! Just as your face is your fortune, your hair can make or break your fortune yoo, no matter what your destiny is.

To just go with the current trend is not necessarily auspicious. It may even be disastrous!

Now as your stand-in feng shui makeover hairdresser, let us undress the secret of how to harness excellent luck and fortunes for the rest of this year 2015 and all the way to the whole of next year 2016, the year of fire monkey.

A close analysis of the coming year is that it is a year of fire-over-metal elements or hotness and dryness in the heavens and hardness on earth, in feng shui lingo! So how do you hit the bingo running towards progress and prosperity in an instant?

Candidates for elections next year should pay good attention to these tips too, as these will make a difference in the votes they get, cheated or not. Okay, to continue the ongoing transition of the fire-over-metal year towards next year, what is now being felt is lack of water!

Water symbolizes money too. So lack of money will prevail now until 2016 unless you do something to reverse it! And a simple feng shui makeover of your hair can do the job accurately and with delight.

First let us do some elemental analysis of your current hairdo!

If your hair is short cropped like bob or apple cut unisex style, it symbolizes earth element. Same is true with crew-cut for men. This is unfortunate to keep from now until next year! In a fire year, since fire produces earth (ashes), your life will become heavy as in both weight and problems and obstacles in finances, career, and of course love and sex!

If your hair is a rectangular cut from top to bottom frame, it is wood element. In a fire year combined with metal, symbolically your luck and energy will be burnt after being chopped by the metal element. So your fortune will be gone.

If you belong to the cutie younger set having spike-like hairdo, whether with gel or not, your triangular hair shape is fire element. In a fire-cum-metal year, this means too much fire and you will encounter a lot of disharmonies and conflicts from petty ones to legal ones! So better change your fortune by changing your upward triangular shaped hairdo that look like a flame.

If, on the other hand, your hair looks like an inverted triangle pointing downwards, it is metal element. Normally, the anime and avant garde layered cuts are the same. Fire melts the luck of metal and too much metal burdens one's life with all types of problems from wealth to health.

But, remember this! If your hair is long, on both sides, flowing like a wave of water or waterfall dropping ala Pocahontas for ladies or even the trending man-buns that burst like a mini-water fountain on top of your crown or behind it like a tribal warrior or cannibal, then it is water element.

And since the current and incoming years lack water, and since water puts out the fire element to rage in 2016 that will burn away luck and prosperity - plus the fact that water is compatible with metal, this types of hairdo will be truly auspicious for the period. In short, keep your hair long! That's all.

Simple right? And as a client congresswoman asked me (as she recently cut her hair), "How could I grow my hair long quick?" Two simple solutions: common sense and modern hair technology.

First, as long as possible, don't cut your hair. Common sense. On the more investment intensive side of image engineering - wear a wig or have hair extensions!

With those possible solutions, bald people need not despair. Just try these recommendations for a lucky fire monkey year where instead of getting burned in fortunes, you can burn money with wealth and health to spare!

You have just learned my story on the year of the fire monkey and the hair. To add more sheen to all the gold that will come your way with your newfound hairstyle, do not forget to keep it clean and shiny!

Lucky hair growth everyone! Let it flow!


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