
Dear Dr Jen,

Which facial exercises can help prevent wrinkles?  At what age should we start face yoga?  I’ve read that it can do wonders for the skin.


Dear Glorie,

While push-ups and sit-ups can indeed tone our arms and abs, it doesn’t seem to work that way for our facial muscles.  Blood circulation may improve but that is mostly all the benefit that you get out of facial exercises.  If this is the benefit you are after, there are other ways to achieve this without augmenting facial wrinkles.

In fact, the more expressive you are in particular areas of your face, more wrinkles will likely form and deepen.  Exaggeratedly pronouncing words can create wrinkles along the marionette lines or the nasolabial folds.   Constant furrowing of the eyebrows can give you the dreaded number “11” between your eyebrows.


Dear Dr. Jen,

Is it possible to be allergic to some clothes?  I’ve noticed that I get itchy along my waist and underwear lines.  What kind of clothes should I avoid wearing?


Dear Carlo,

Some people who are allergic to rubber, rubber accelerators or latex can also be allergic to some clothing.  This usually pertains to clothes where elastic threads are woven into the clothing, even the finished product of cotton-based clothing.  Commonly, elasticized waist bands, brassiere cups, swim wear, rubber boots, sport shoes, and slippers may contain latex.

Be on the look out for pants that aren’t garterized.  There’s cotton underwear that do not contain any elastic threads at all.  Treatment is the same as contact dermatitis or eczema.  Pay a visit to your nearest PDS derma for a tailored treatment regimen for you.  Most importantly, use of clothes with cotton that is latex-free, spandex-free, lycra-free or nylon-free; it may be your best option.

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