October Birthday Celebrators & Celebrations

Birthday greetings and happy celebrations to all October-born guys and dolls!

October 1 - Meren Gapilano, Lita Cabugao, Toto Cupin; October 2 - Chad Salimbangon, Lisette Garcia, Jose Mari Canizares; October 4 - Norma "Mingming" Gullas, Happy Miranda; October 5 - Melba Sainz, Boy Cuenco, Anna Marie Dizon; October 6 - Milagring Sembrano, Elena Young; October 7 - Chary Aboitiz, Mariter Klepp, Amelia Wong, Roy Trani, Bebe Alcoseba; October 8 - Dawnie Roa, Charito Climaco, Citcit Toledo; October 9 - Marilu Chiongbian, Mila Benitez; October 10 - Monette Aliño, Alan Ting, Bangbang Uy Dizon.

October 11 - Atty. Augusto W. Go, Pilar Patilano, Ritchie Mendoza, Loy Jurado, Clifford Cabugao; October 12 - Congresswoman Gwen Garcia, Nora Divinagracia, Dodong Seno; October 13 - Rep. Eddie Gullas, Didang Paulin, Cely Llanos; October 14 - Tita Zosa, Ben Dapat; October 15 - Jovi Neri, Ely Bernabe, Arlene Tacumba; October 16 - The Freeman Editor-in-Chief Quennie S. Bronce; October 17 - Martin S. Yeung, Carmen Go, Grace Avanzado, Vince Escario; October 19 - Lee Kintanar; October 20 - Tonette Pañares, Joy Buena, Alliyah Ting.

October 21 - Carla Marie Yeung McKowen, Dave Lim; October 22 - Nonie Uy, Edmond Salinas; October 23 - Paolo Cabugao; October 25 - Eva Gullas, Baby Florido, Hazel Gonzalez, Oche Pelaez, Delia Reyes; October 26 - Jackee Gullas Weckman, Flora Duran, Ofelia Divinagracia, Ruby Lim; October 27 -Mayor Duke Frasco, Dodong Senining; October 28 - Eleanor Hayco, Joseph Gaisano, Joel Ampoon; October 29 - Mayor Michael Rama, Lowel Salinas, Bugs Unchuan, Ben Chiongbian; October 30 - Amay OngVano, Erma Cuizon; October 31 - Nerissa Soon Ruiz, Jiji Gullas, Agie Escario, Reston Senining, Bianca Ting and Donelle Ting.


Fely Salimbangon's birthday was truly a red letter day when her loving and generous sister-in-law Mariquita S. Yeung surprised her with a birthday lunch at Villa Mariquita. Kit's invite to this all-girls gathering said: "Come in red shoes and red lipstick!" So, all the ladies invited came in any outfit but all red, red were their shoes. They had all afternoon fun and laughter!


Nelda Cabucos and Susan Calero, both birthday girls on September 10, had a joint celebration - a sumptuous lunch at Casino Español with just a few friends in attendance. They decided to celebrate together because the day after Nelda would leave for her yearly visit to relatives in LA and Susan, too, to New Jersey, where only child Tata is working as a nurse. The two dashing ladies are coming back first week of November.

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