“Pasiunang Halad”

CEBU, Philippines – A collection of contemporary-themed artpieces convenes the art exhibit "Pasiunang Halad" - the inaugural show of the recently launched "Art Portal" at the Banilad Town Centre (BTC).

Opening on January 14 at the second level of BTC, the exhibit brings together a selection of acrylic, watercolor and oil on canvas paintings made by a number of the metro's recognized and up-and-coming talents - whose forays into the ins and outs of the contemporary arts' domain is driven by a predilection for wholly capturing beauty in all its forms.

Collectively, "Pasiunang Halad's" presented pieces are one in enthusing just how much our local talents have grown as visual daubers - relating that this state of growth is not just something that's being manifested by Cebu's recognized talents, but by its creative superstars-in-the-making as well.

From Philip Tice's surrealist linear painting-styled works, Rhodesa Cruzet's symmetrical use of hues in scaling balance and perspective, Arsenio Abella's masterful take in the creation of process-oriented pieces, and Golda King's lyrical use of watercolor in capturing and conveying emotions (to mention some of the exhibitors), it's difficult to deny how well-curated "Pasiuang Halad" is - not just in terms of the caliber of works it is presenting, but also in how it serves as a prelude to what Cebu has to expect from the exhibiting talents in the coming days.

There until the end of the month, the public may still catch up with "Pasiunang Halad" - where the creative prowess of Cebu's new crop of creative talents takes the center stage.

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