Native Chorizo Carbonara


1                              kilo spaghetti noodles

750                         grams native chorizo (cooked and sliced)

200                         grams mushrooms (any type, sliced)

1                              medium-size onion, chopped

50                           grams salted butter

250                         grams quick-melt cheese, grated

1                              liter of fresh milk

500                         ml all purpose cream

3                              pcs beaten eggs Salt and pepper



Cook the spaghetti noodles according to its package's instructions. Set aside.

In a heated medium-size pan, sauté the onions, mushrooms and chorizo.

Add fresh milk and whip cream, and bring to a boil for three minutes.

Season with salt and pepper.

Add a half of the cheese, and mix well.


Soak the cooked spaghetti noodles in hot water. Drain and then mix it with the sauce.

Turn off the stove, and add the beaten eggs. Mix well.

Add the remaining cheese and serve.

* * *

This recipe is a simplified variant of one of the specials currently being offered in Waterfront Cebu City Hotel & Casino's international menu. Readers who wish to sample the dish in its original flavorful flair may have it at the hotel's "Gourmet Walk".  (Compiled by Yasunari Ramon Suarez Taguchi)

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