Amazing communication

CEBU, Philippines - Different types of people sift information and learn in different ways. A person may fall into any of the main sensorial personality types: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Knowledge of the different modalities for dealing with particular personality types can help a lot in making people communicate effectively.

According to TrainStation motivational speaker and corporate communication trainer Carelle Lee Mangaliag, "The more we understand the [different ways different people process information], the more easily we can customize our way of communicating with them to [aid in their] understanding of the information we give." She shared this in her "Camp Amazing" talk with select Cebu media practitioners recently at Speedtalk Language Training Center in Banilad Town Centre.

She explained, "A visual person sifts through sight and is keener with the things they see. An auditory person is not as keen with visual cues but is keener with how things sound and what they hear, while a kinesthetic person cares more about how they feel rather than what they see or what they hear." Mangaliag pointed out that "when we don't understand these differences among personality types, we create 'disconnect' with our clients, our co-workers, our students, our families, and our loved ones."

It makes sense that anyone who is aware of the different sensorial personalities and can adopt the appropriate modality for each can "gain leverage in creating impact because [he or she is] already selling in the very way [the prospective client] wants to be sold to, communicating within the level of our co-workers, and loving the way our loved ones want to be loved."

When asked if an individual can learn all modalities for the three personality types, Mangaliag replied that it is indeed possible. She expounded that each person carries traits of the three personality types, although a particular type often dominates. Meaning, an auditory person is also visual and kinesthetic, but only at lesser degrees. 

How do you talk to Visuals then? Mangaliag says it helps to be ready with a piece of paper and show them the picture, the numbers, the graphs. "You have to move your hands and have them see animation through facial expressions. The picture you paint for them - with the aid of your sketches, your hands, your facial expressions - help make an impact."

And a Visual person also communicates visually. When he or she is upset, for instance, the Visual person shows unmistakable signs of it rather than discuss it. He just wants you to see he is upset. Visuals need to see that you are showing them the attention they want, "either by being present or bringing a present." 

"As long as they see something, they are satisfied on some level," says Mangaliag. "Visuals want the lighting right. They love photography, movies, and anything visually stimulating. Many of them work as accountants, cinematographers, artists, models, editors, and the like."

With Auditories, you have to pick and speak your words carefully, preferably words that carry a certain oomph, to get your message across. Use dramatic highs and lows in your voice, modulating it nicely, and emphasize points with sound effects: clapping your hands, snapping your fingers etc. Mangaliag emphasizes, "Auditories appreciate the message to full effect when accompanied by memorable sounds."

Just as Auditories respond to positive sounds, they are sensitive to negative ones, such as screaming. When a "real bossy boss bossing around" screams at them, Auditories shut off!

Auditory children can easily memorize through song and repetitive words. When angry, they usually want to talk things through. They need to hear the problem being discussed, so perhaps more than a conciliatory hug, telling them "I am sorry" or "Let's be friends" is more effective.  "You have to verbalize how you feel about them as they are not inclined to assume it based on your actions," Mangaliag advises.

Auditories like to be with someone they can talk to. They like long and engaging conversations, or otherwise listen to music for long stretches of time. Many Auditories are good as teachers, salesmen, musicians, lawyers, trainers, and other occupations that require a lot of talking.

Meanwhile, Kinesthetics need touch to experience to feel something. A kinesthetic child learns best if he or she writes things down, like write the letters of the alphabet or take down notes. The kid makes use of his physical senses to remember the learning. A kinesthetic adult, likewise, learns best by touching and comparing objects, or by experiencing a process.

An angry Kinesthetic might bang the door, walk out, move away and physically distance himself from the object of his anger. He expresses his being upset by "doing" something. Conversely, he likes care and love demonstrated through acts of kindness, generosity and physical attention. Many Kinesthetics are athletes, chefs, masseuse, therapists, doctors, and the like.

Mangaliag has authored a book on effectively dealing with the different sensorial personality types, titled "Moving Forward: Captivating Communication," published by Dolmar Press. Her TrainStation teams facilitate experiential learning through multi-sensory activities using neuro-linguistic programming. They operate in Hong Kong, Singapore, and the Philippines. The TrainStation website is:


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