Art as a Learning Tool

CEBU, Philippines - From the beginning of time, man already had his art. Our ancestors made various crafts with their bare hands. The crafts they made were either for selling or trading, or for mere artistic expression. Art was a big help in both economic pursuits and personal gratification.

Even as time evolves, despite the dramatic leaps in science and other areas of human endeavor, the fundamental value of art in man’s life remains. Much has been said about art stimulating creativity, imagination, and even enhances self-esteem. It also encourages cognition and critical thinking as a learning tool for children.

One art form often connects with other art forms, and interacts with other learning disciplines. Art activities can aid in academic areas such as language, science, and mathematics, among others. It allows kids to explore ideas and express themselves through patterns, textures, and colors.

Art is not just an enrichment activity. Art educators believe that art is basic to education. What makes art such a great learning tool is its potential to engage children’s senses in open-ended play and develops their cognitive, social, emotional, and sensory motor skills.

Not only does art provide a sense of independence, genuine self-expression, and mastery, it also challenges the child to test himself beyond his limits. From a simple handmade craft, he could later master painting or do a much complex art activity.

It is, therefore, important for educators or parents to provide young children with art materials, from the simplest to the more complex. It’s good for young preschoolers to explore art materials directly with their hands or do painting and make clay figures. Older children need art materials that offer more complexity and challenge.

Shells, twigs, balls, sponges, or even simple kitchen tools can be made art accessories as well. Each art material and accessory helps in the development a particular skill. The more art tools there are, the wider the avenue for new discoveries for the curious young minds to explore.

But aside from being an effective tool for skills development, art can also help in mastering academic subjects. The most effective learning takes place when children enjoy what they are doing.

When children study something, they learn it better and retain it longer if they do an art activity that reinforces the learning process. This technique has been recognized by teachers all the way back to Confucius, who once said: “I hear and I forget.  I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”



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