Herbal and Natural Remedies for Toddlers

They're all natural, but exactly how effective and safe are herbal remedies for treating your little one? If in doubt, speak to your child's pediatrician who might be able to help you better.

Aloe Vera

Soothes cuts, sunburns and skin infections using the gooey gel inside the plant. If you have trouble finding the actual plant, aloe vera gels and creams are available at your nearest pharmacy. However, the actual plant is known to work best.

Baking Soda

Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a decent amount of water to create a paste then put it on the bug bite then let dry. The acid is thought to help the swelling.

Cayenne Pepper

Used to treat nosebleeds, keep your child's head upright and pinch nostrils for a few minutes then sprinkle a pinch of ground cayenne pepper on a moistened cotton swab and dab inside the nose on the area of the bleeding. Best thing is that, it doesn't even sting at all.


Known for its calming effects, a small cup of cooled down chamomile tea might be a good idea to help your child settle down at night. Apart from black tea, this can also help ease an upset stomach and intestinal muscles. But always ensure that there is enough room for the required amount of milk.


Especially cold cucumber will help ease any minor swelling. All you have to do is put the piece on top of the swollen area and replace with another cold cucumber once the used one becomes warm.


Made in tea form, this can absolutely help your child when he/she feels nauseous. Some children don't enjoy the taste of ginger so you might want to mix a bit of honey into it.


Honey/Lemon Juice Dries up congestion and helps soothe your child's throat. Sometimes, honey is even better than cough medicines. It is the sweet taste that increases salivation, which thins the mucus and alleviates the urge to cough. Do not however give honey to children under the age of one unless your doctor says that it's okay.


 Treating eczema, hives and rashes, using oatmeal might be another good solution. Sealing in moisture and relieving irritation, it also decreases the swelling. All you need to do is to use plain uncooked oats with warm water to make a paste and once cool, place the paste on your toddler's skin to treat.


Helps ease skin itchiness, pepper-"mint" tea creates a cooling effect/sensation on the skin when you mix this into the water at bathtime. A cup or so will help do the trick.

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