Bornthis way

CEBU, Philippines - One of them must be your favorite.

Or perhaps, the winner: fashion’s darling of the crowd.

You know what they say about winners.

They take it all.

While these ten fashion designers are now vying for that one spot in your heart,  reflect on what makes you truly happy.

Is it their choice of crepe de chine?

Or functionality: Oh, excuse me,  do you wear your mother’s clothing?

Or a soaring kind of spirit?

They’ve got that covered.

In both avant garde and ready-to-wear  renditions, they’ll turn up every  interpretation imaginable at the  2013 Cebu Young Designers’ Quest,  a fashion design competition  authored by Clothes for Life Foundation,  at the Calla Convention Hall of J Centre Mall  on August 27, Tuesday, at 7 p.m.

We entrust the future of fashion  to these aspirants.

Anyway, there’s a little Imelda in all of us.

Win or lose, we go shopping.


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