It was sticky and sweet

CEBU, Philippines - And just like clock work, the second semester opens yet with another expected wet welcome brought by our still-never-get-used-to tropical climate. But hey, that doesn’t mean we let the rains dampen our spirits! In fact, sweet celebrations and sticky situations highlighted my July. 

Only this year I realized that the lucky-seventh month wasn’t just a back-to-back of dear friends’ birthdays but a series of quiet events found its way to my calendar beginning with the birthdays of the always-cheerful Levee Retuya Soco and Queen of Cebu-World, Jules Inoc. On separate occasions, the ladies opted to celebrate their days in an intimate get-together, of course, dashed with their own flair.

While the mid-month showers continued, events here and there also poured. I found myself in a sticky situation, juggling between work and the parties. Eventually, I decided to grace the opening of the newest bar and restaurant in town, the Elite. Located on the 2nd level on the Mango Square, this cozy pub features the influential music of the 80’s played with its Music videos to boot. Yes, it’s a flight back to the moves and grooves of the roaring decade. And with my favorite cocktail in-hand, this new watering hole just hit my right spot!

Finally, the month ended with the northern town of Compostela celebrating its annual feast of Santiago de Compostela. The quiet town turned festive as it drew numerous visitors during the nine-day celebration. Most noteworthy was concert night featuring the Powerspoonz. Also, a town’s landmark—Anak Pawis, reopened just for the occasion to play venue to local talents. It was music and festivities like no other. Then the actual fiesta day turned out to be a reunion of sorts when batch-mates turned-up at Cathy Cuervo’s residence for some hefty chow, good company and a lot of catching-up with old friends. Cheers!


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