On Gadgets and Disaster Preparedness

CEBU, Philippines - No one really knows when disaster could strike, thus the value in being prepared.

From stocking up on food and water, to properly resupplying first aid kits and medical cabinets, there are a lot of things one can do as part of one’s disaster preparedness action plan – including the keeping of useful and reliable gadgets and gizmos.

Here are five items which everyone should consider adding into their “in case of emergency” packs.


Portable AM/FM Radio Set – In a time when smartphones and tablets have become mainstay consumer electronics products, many have pegged radio sets as outmoded and obsolete.

But as old fashioned AM/FM radio sets may be, having a portable self-powered radio set is important in cases of emergency, as a means of getting real-time updates and emergency broadcasts when advanced and sophisticated technologies fail.

While modern telecommunication services don’t necessarily break down easily, a portable AM/FM radio set affords individuals with a relevant information and update source should modern information technologies encounter technical difficulties.


LED Flashlight – The upsides of LED illumination standards has recently been given a lot of focus, with its use practically replacing old illumination standards in the design and development of electronic products.

Small in size and more economical in terms of power consumption rates, LED flashlights are available in various form-factors, including rechargeable models, head-mounted lamps, combined-flashlight-radio-electric fan all-in-one devices, and more.


Portable Charger-Battery Pack (“Power Packs”) – A cursory look at what’s for sale in electronics specialty stores would reveal about how Portable Charger-Battery Packs (popularly referred to as “power packs”) are gaining popularity among electronic consumers.

From solar chargers to crank-enabled battery pack-chargers, the range of portable charger-battery pack options is as diverse as there are smartphone models, with some “power packs” made available with built-in LED lamps, others with built-in radio receivers.

Extended battery pack cases for devices with non-removable batteries are also smart devices to have too.


Waterproof Case/Pack – While a number of brands have been busy in rolling out waterproof devices, not everyone has a waterproof feature phone, smartphone or tablet.

Emphasis on protecting one’s “lifeline to the world” from getting wet during emergencies doesn’t really require lengthy explanations, thus the importance of having waterproof cases/packs for gadgets and gizmos.

Portable Stove – While “portable” in “portable stove” is subject to interpretation in terms of a portable stove’s actual portability features, having one in emergency situations goes beyond having something to cook food with.

In emergency situations, one can use a portable stove to boil water for drinking, apart from simply using it for heating/cooking food. (FREEMAN)

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