Retirement is a ten-letter word

Ten-letter words are not similar to those four-letter words which usually have a connotation of something vulgar or obscene. At times, four-letter words represent something disliked or forbidden. For those who have problems with diabetes; “cake” is a four-letter word.

A ten-letter word is just a word that has specifically 10 letters and there are thousands of words that have 10 letters. Today, we will focus on just one particular ten-letter word... retirement, because an event of a social nature was triggered by it at the Plantation Bay Resort & Spa last June 20, 2013.

Once in a while, lifestyle and business writers are invited for a media cocktail and many of us were caught by surprise that a very dear friend, Plantation Bay Resort & Spa GM Efren Belarmino was retiring and a new GM, Nenette G. Castillon was appointed that same day. Efren (Mr. B) has been general manager for 16 years and ever since I have worked with The FREEMAN, I have always dealt with Mr. B. It will take some time to adjust to the fact that  my dear friend has retired. However, Plantation Bay head honcho Manny Gonzalez assured that Mr. B will be retained as consultant.

For many companies and government institutions, the usual mandatory retirement is set at 65 years of age. For judges in the Supreme Court, compulsory retirement is 70 years, while those who serve as generals in the armed forces, it is 56 years. For those who have been employed in multiple companies at the same time, there is no retirement. These individuals are not considered as regular employees.

 Like your favourite food columnist who has been multi-tasking since 1974 (at one time, 7 jobs!) I will remain with The Freeman for as long I have the trust and confidence of my superiors and my eyesight remains good, my hands can type, my feet can walk and my stomach can digest all these delicious food. In our work, most of the time, the food are really tasty, at times plain and a few times it can taste outright ridiculous.

Back to the Hail and Farewell cocktails party, main theme was Japanese cuisine and we went to dine on the Sushi Moriawase and the Sashimi Moriawase. The arrangement was beautifully executed and it is living proof to the statement that you eat first with your eyes. Western appetizers, the Select Cheese Plate and the Fresh Asparagus with Parma Ham were a nice alternative, excuse me, to those who cannot eat raw food.

More cocktail dishes were warming up, the Pork Skewer in Plum Sauce, Tofu Teriyaki and Pommes Croquette while the rest of the Chefs were cooking the tempura  and pasta in the Live Cooking Stations.

Mr. B was busy introducing GM Nenette G. Castillon to each media representative and I learned that Ms. C. has been with Plantations Bay for the last 17 years and she is one of the resort workers who have survived an ambush by law enforcement authorities because of mistaken identities way back in 2002. That is Divine intervention, surviving bullet wounds and now, a destiny to be the General Manager of Plantation Bay Resort & Spa.

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