People around town

Jerry “Junjun” Locaylocay, a registered nurse and working at Cedar’s Sinai Medical Center as an ER nurse, came home with friends from Los Angeles, CA on his sabbatical. Jerry, aside from being a nurse, is also a designer having graduated from Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising…the school where the now-famous Monique Lhuillier finished her designer course. I remember one time, when Jerry toured us around the FIDM premises, we saw the picture of Monique hang conspicuously in one of the rooms.

In his two weeks stay in Cebu, Jerry and his friends went to Bohol, then spent three days in Calape, Daanbantayan for the fiesta celebration. And last week, Jerry hosted lunch for his relatives held at his Auntie Vicky Momongan’s home in Beverly Hills with food from one of the popular restos in town. Monday, Junjun left with his friends back to LA, USA!

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A frequent Cebuano visitor who just loves to be home once again is Dr. Jose “Bebe” Barba, a well-known Oncologist in New Jersey. Last November 2012, Bebe was in Cebu as one of the sponsors of the grand wedding of Martin and Claudine Yeung.

Last June 19, Nelia Neri hosted a merienda cena for our newly-recuperating friend Joe Recio whose birthday it was on that day. And Bebe was there, just on time for the little gathering. Welcome home, Dr. Bebe Barba!

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After five years stay in Toronto, Canada, Dennis Parrilla came home to his native Cebu to attend the reunion of the big Royo family. Of which his wife Glenna is one of the Royo siblings. Glenna is still in Bangkok but Dennis had since left back to Toronto, Canada.

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There was a lull…and Nelia Neri thought of inviting us to her beautiful home in Amara. Without battling an eyelash, The FREEMAN Lifestyle Executive Editor Mayen Angbetic Tan immediately said yes followed by this writer, seconded by Cookie Newman and CDN’s Jaime Picornell, and a special friend Tina Ebrada.

It took us only 45 minutes to reach the place. As we ascended Nelia’s house, we could see from the balcony the marvelous sea view where people were seen picking seashells. We were seated comfortably at a round table loaded with yummy goodies…pomelo, budbud kabog, siopaolet, bibingka, fried banana, and a lot, lot more. In fact, Nelia had prepared something for dinner, but we graciously turned down her offer since we had to be back to the city sevenish for some appointments.

Albeit nailed to our seats for four straight hours, we enjoyed every minute of out tete-a-tete with Mayen, Cookie, Jaime, Nelia and Tina. Truly, Nelia Neri’s place is a haven especially for those who love quiet and peace!

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