Cattleya Gardens offers pet memorial services

CEBU, Philippines - Here are very good reasons why more and more people acquire memorial lots ahead of need: price, protection, perfect investment, free life insurance, and awesome product.

According to the M. Lhuillier Group, which launched recently one of their biggest and latest developments – the Cattleya Gardens and Memorial Park, lot packages are offered at affordable and reasonable contract price. When you buy ahead of need, you assure your family of less financial strain upon passing of loved ones.

It is considered a perfect investment too because once you try to compute unnecessary purchases per day and add it on per month basis, you will discover a good amount of cash that’s supposed to be savings or investment. In three years time, you would realize, you could have already paid for a property. One thing is sure though; the lot you buy now will sell higher in the future and that memorial lots are tax-free investments.

Double protection is guaranteed because you are protected by your investment and your investment is also protected.

To top it all, there’s this wonderful product never been imagined before.

Aside from the P1.2-million 20-sq.m. garden lot and the P2.5-million 37.5-sq.m. family estate, packages include lawn lots, wall niche, an ossuary (for bones), a cinerarium (for urns), and a pet memorial.

The 5.4-hectare Cattleya Gardens and Memorial Park located in Cordova, Cebu offers pet memorial services so you can give your “best friend(s)” the appreciation they deserve.

The traditional funeral as we’ve known it is changing with time. Pet memorial services emphasize on the celebration of life, using music, venue, and ritual to truly represent the importance of man’s companion(s) here on earth who also have to join their Creator.

Such package is described to be a “wonderful opportunity to personalize a special tribute to a beloved pet”; the tomb complete with a marble tablet and a grave marker. Products come in regular and premium packages of a total contract price pegged at P25,410 and P27,951 (subject to change), respectively.

Further, Cattleya Gardens and Memorial Park offers more than just a tribute and a place of shelter for the dearly departed. It is a place where families can engage in wholesome bonding, nurturing community activities, and heartfelt personal reflection.

At Cattleya, clients can walk through serene pedestrian-friendly pathways, embrace the solitude and bask in the natural wonders around; cherish past memories and create new ones in a place that truly goes beyond what any memorial garden has to offer.

For inquiries call 495-2644 or 495-2697. Email cattleya.gardens@yahoo .com.  (FREEMAN)


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