JCI WoMandaue’s Party for Charity

A few months ago, the dynamic and young Junior Chamber International WoMandaue organized a Party for Charity in partnership with Barcode, one of the most popular bars in town along the old Banilad Road. The event was for the benefit of their “A Heart for Kids” project for the less fortunate kids of Looc, Mandaue City.


Project chair Angelic Jaye Borromeo, along with the other lady members of WoMandaue, came to an agreement with the management of Barcode that part of the earnings that night will be donated for the cause. As expected, the party turned out to be a successful one, judging with the venue which was filled to the brim with beautiful party faces, all supportive of the noble project.

Just last February 16, the “Heart for Kids” project chaired by Sheila Abarquez-Garduque, were able to provide and surprise not only 50 kids of Looc, Mandaue as per their target, but reached to as many as 80 kids with free slippers, food, drinks and loot bags with school supplies, goodies and vitamins. Very much at the helm and beaming with pride, the ladies of WoMandaue completed a very successful Party for Charity fundraising event and a Heart for Kids project as their service to the community. It was definitely all worth their time and effort and surely a good start to their goal of creating positive change. 

The Junior Chamber International WoMandaue is a women’s organization aimed at improving their communities through volunteerism and building their members’ civic leadership skills through training. According to its mission, to provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change, its purpose is exclusively creating positive changes in the world. JCI WoMandaue believes that no service to humanity is big or small enough, every help, outreach, and project will create positive change.

Congratulations and more power to you, ladies of JCI WoMandaue! Cheers!


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