LOOK HERE: Tips for the Finals!

CEBU, Philippines - Summer vacation is, without a doubt, awesome.

But as awesome as two months of not going to school can be for students and teachers, there really is no way one can get to summer vacation without first dealing with the school-life constant that is the final exam.


For many who are about to take on the biggest test of the school year, here are some study points worth knowing about; five study tips, if you will.

Do well in remembering these study points, and your summer vacation is bound to be more than fun and memorable this year.


The right study space

Many eager-to-study students have made the mistake of going to the wrong place when studying.

Instead of wasting time by being in the wrong study space, first consider the variables that define your highest productivity values, then base your ideal study space on whatever those variables are.

Are you the type who works better with music, or is peace and quiet more your thing?

Do you work better in the company of others, or are you more of a solo player when it comes to getting things done?

From steering clear from interruptions to ensuring that your study space is free from any distractions, understanding what works for your enhanced productivity is also important in creating your ideal study space, be it a place where the music is loud or be it a space where silence is essential.


Study materials

While having the right textbooks and handouts of a particular subject is good when studying, having your own study materials handy – study materials which you made yourself – enriches the whole process in more ways than one.

Take index cards as self-made study materials, for example.

Small in size and available almost anywhere where school supplies are sold, you can easily jot down the key points of a subject on index cards, referring to them on your free time.

From commuting to school to having something to review with while waiting for someone to show up, you can extend your study space to just about anywhere where you and your index cards are, taking the time to study just about any time you wish to do so.


Study groups

For those who work better with a team, a study group is a good idea to be part of.

At its most basic, a study group involves a number of members, where each member is tasked to review a particular subject matter in detail, then share what he or she had been assigned to study about with everyone in the group.

Though how effective a study group is depends on the actual persons involved, the premise behind study groups is easy to comprehend as a time-saving method of studying.

Also, study groups are great venues where confusing subjects or subject matters are better dealt with, with the input of fellow study group members proving to be valuable points worth noting.

However, it has to be said that though study group sessions are a time-saving method of studying, one should always back study group sessions with one’s own personal study times.


Looking like you are studying is not studying

When talking about studying for the finals, many have made the mistake of basing their study habits on “models”, on individuals whom they think are implementing the best study habits in the world.

While this approach towards studying may have its share of successful exam passers, understand that basing your study habits on “models” isn’t always the most effective course of action to take.

When you are studying for your finals, be more focused on studying at your own pace, on your own terms.

If you don’t see the point in using highlighters during study sessions, then don’t.  If you’re not comfortable with studying in the library, then find your own ideal study space.

The bottom line is, don’t base your study habits on the study habits of other people. Study at your own pace, on your own terms.


Test yourself

Once you’ve done studying, test yourself.

If you’ve just finished studying about Shakespeare, draft an essay explaining why his plays are considered to be among the literary treasures of the world.

If you’ve just finished studying about Philippine History, write a one page write-up discussing how much of an impact Jose Rizal had in the Spanish Revolution with the novel Noli Me Tangere.

Do something – anything – to test yourself on what you’ve studied about.

Don’t end your study sessions simply by closing your books. (FREEMAN)

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