Traditional toys

CEBU, Philippines - Though modern toys are popular anywhere in the world, traditional toys are still embraced by millions today.

From balls to tops, to kites and puzzles, here are some of the world’s most endearing and well-loved traditional toys,  which have remained to be popular over the years, even without bearing Ban Dai, Hasbro or Mattel’s brand tags.


 Available in different colors and sizes, balls may not appear to be as interesting as a Ben 10 action figure would, but everyone knows that playing with them is a hundred times more fun.

 From a simple game of catch, to an exciting game of kickball, this age-old traditional toy is known to easily lead to countless hours of fun with friends and family, allowing everyone in the household to take part in different games –  including cats and dogs.


 Noted to have been around for 2,800 years, the kite is said to have originated in China, where it was not originally intended as a toy but used as a measuring and communication tool.

 Today, kites are best flown during summer, sure to make interesting experiences out of family road trips and outdoor activities, regardless if a homemade kite or a pre-made one is being talked about.

Construction sets

 From building blocks to Lincoln logs, construction sets have been around for a long time, with the Greek philosopher Plato known to have said that they are the perfect toy for future architects.

 Lego blocks would be one of the more popular construction set options available today, perfect for those who love to tinker and work with their hands, as well as test their imaginations.


 Considered to be the oldest type of toy in human history, dolls have gone though different changes over the years.

 In Ancient Egypt, dolls were made with simple materials, with some made out of bundles of grass and wooden sticks. Today, dolls are made with a diverse range of materials, even designed with computer chips, sensors and advanced electronics.

Though the dolls of Ancient Egypt and the dolls of today are truly different from each other, their value as traditional toys remains unchanged.

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