The Types o f Fathers with ‘Inside Out 2’ Emotions

CEBU, Philippines — Every third Sunday in June, we honor our Papa, Tatay, Dad, Daddy, Uncle, Lolo, or any father figure we have (such as our single mothers) in celebration of Father’s Day. As we witnessed how they handled being padre de familia, we’ve also become familiar with their characteristics that set them apart and make them loveable like no other.

With Disney and  Pixar’s “Inside Out 2” premiering in cinemas today, June 12, let’s explore the various types of fathers using emotions from the animation hit.

1. Chill ‘Ennui’ Dad

A chill dad that leads a “Yes” life, he simply agrees and goes with the flow. But like Ennui, he can be boring. When you walk past them, they will greet you with a nod, two raised eyebrows or just a quick smile. Chill dads pass the time by watching movies, listening to music, drinking coffee and other beverages, or indulge in activities that might make most youngsters yawn. They can also be calm and open to any type of conversation because they are basically chill.

2. Strict One ‘Anger’

Having strict curfew and house rules are what strict fathers apply at home. They can be extremely “OA” for being overprotective, they worry constantly, but this is because they care. You will often receive text messages and phone calls from them asking your whereabouts, giving you the impression that he is angry. Strict dads are organized and firm. They expect us to be proper and obedient. Once rules are disobeyed and things do not go as planned, they become Anger, who gets frustrated and lose their patience.

3. Gen-Z ‘Anxiety’ Papshy

Gen-Z fathers are never “KJ”(kill joy), they are fun and adventurous. They are always up-to-date with the latest trends, particularly in social media, which makes them anxious – similar to Anxiety – if they experience FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). They are energetic, young at heart, and always on the move. Exploring and trying out new things are what they love, which can make them a good companion for a drink night. Fathers like them are not tight with rules, a polar opposite of a strict dad.

4. Sporty ‘Envy’ Daddy

Your sporty tatay is either a player himself or the biggest fan of all. Their eyes would sparkle, like Envy’s, when they see sports-related items for sale, such as caps and shirts. During PBA or NBA seasons, their eyes are glued to the screen, and one of their greatest fantasies is meeting their idols in person. Sometimes they feel envious, seeing friends or others get to watch his favorite games live, then deeply wishes they could do the same soon. Fathers like them are the original coaches of their children, supportive and hands-on in any sport they pursue.

5. The Comedian ‘Joy’

Dads like this are the Joy of every celebration, because their jokes sell well. Majority of them are the leaders during drinking sessions, and he is most likely the favorite uncle. When we cry, they will sometimes throw a joke before comforting us, just as Joy gives comfort to Riley and shifts Sadness’ memories. The laughter we share with them is ear-to-ear, making our hearts flutter, and moments memorable.

6. Corny ‘Embarrassment’ Jokes

All of the “dad jokes” come from them. Jokes that lead to confusion and explanations are their forte. Corny dads are the cutest, are happy-go-lucky, and they do their best to make those around them chuckle. Most times, it is hard to match their sense of humor and laugh at their jokes, leaving them awkward and embarrassed, like Embarrassment.

7. Serious ‘Fear’

Here come the ‘nonchalants’, the serious types. They rarely smile, their expressions are usually neutral, making them appear like they are someone to be feared. Dads like them are the ones who work overtime or spend most of their week at work. Conversations with them can be very formal, like talking to a professional co-worker. Funny thing is, they sometimes cannot get a joke, or get your humor. A serious father might not do obvious reactions, but they are always on the lookout to protect us from danger, just as how Fear is concerned of Riley’s well-being.

8. Handyman ‘Sadness’

The handyman is the jack-of-all-trades. They love fixing and building. When we get home, they are either outside or in the garage, working with his tools and equipment. Loose hinges, flat tires, leaking tubes, broken sinks make them sad, like Sadness, but being gloomy about it provides them an opportunity to be happy by doing what they love. They are also tech-savvy, having an interest in the latest electronic gadgets. Fathers like them just love to lend a hand, making our lives easy.

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