Bale tells Clooney: ‘Stop whining about paparazzi’

CEBU, Philippines – Christian Bale has some harsh words of wisdom for fellow former Caped Crusader George Clooney. According to The New York Post, Bale thinks Clooney’s complaints about the pitfalls of fame are “boring,” and he has no problem saying so in a new interview for WSJ Magazine.

“It doesn’t matter that he talks about it,” the Welsh-born “Dark Knight Rises” actor, 40, said of Clooney’s issues with the paparazzi. “It’s like, ‘Come on, guys, just shut up. Just get on with it and live your lives and stop whining about it.’ I prefer not to whine about it.”

Which is not to say Bale’s patience isn’t tested every once in a while – just that he tries to avoid getting too hot and bothered around photographers. “You’ve got a choice about how you handle those situations,” said Bale.

“I was in Italy with my wife,” he recalled, referring to former model Sibi Blazic, whom he married in 2000 and has two kids with. “I would go to work; she would leave the hotel. There would be a man who stood outside and say the most obscene things imaginable to my wife. I know what he’s after; he has a strategy there.”

He continued: “Am I able to say I’m not gonna give him that satisfaction of angry Christian Bale coming after this man? But equally, he’s killing my humanity and my dignity as a husband if I do not, and he knows this. So you’ve got a choice.”

Bale should know. His temper has gotten him in hot water before, perhaps most memorably in 2009, when audio leaked of him ripping into the director of photography on the set of “Terminator Salvation.” He later apologized for the profanity-filled rant, saying that it was “inexcusable.”

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