Cindy Crawford shares anti-aging secrets

CEBU, Philippines - At 49 years old, Cindy Crawford is undoubtedly an ageless beauty, but the secret to her youthful appearance is actually quite simple.

“The secret is that there is no secret,” the supermodel said in a recent interview with Violet Gray. “Do all the stuff we know: Don’t smoke, get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, find what makes you happy.”

Considering Crawford’s flawless face could put most 20-year-olds to shame, it’s safe to say that her basic beauty routine is one we should all adopt, although she admits that consistency is also key.

“I use SPF day cream every day, cleanser every day and night. I definitely use the night cream, eye cream and the Crème de Serum from my line,” she shared. “What I think is true is that results are cumulative. When a 35-year-old starts taking care of her skin, she won’t look different. It’s when you’re my age that you start seeing the payoff.”

While aging in Hollywood, particularly in the modeling industry, is never an easy feat, Crawford gives advice on aging with grace, saying that self-confidence is a key ingredient.

“I don’t want to look in the mirror every day and be down on myself,” she explained. “I’m holding together pretty good, but I don’t look like I did when I was 25 or 30 or even 40. What I’m finding for myself is that if I continue to be engaged, to do what I love, that’s how I get my self-esteem cup filled. I get a lot of that from my family and work. I’m good at my job. I know I’m a good model at this point in my career. Though some days I feel like I’m too busy or too stressed out, I’m still excited to go to work. That kind of translates from the internal to the external.”

Crawford was also keen to inform fans that hair ages too. “No one tells you about your hair! You don’t expect the texture to change and that it will break more easily. I’m definitely kinder to it now. I don’t wash and dry it every day. I’ll sleep with it pinned up.”

Rande Gerber’s missus also took a trip down memory lane and recalled her early modeling experiences. “Fortunately, we weren’t expected to be a size 0 or 2 in my era. Sometimes it was hard at the fashion shows. But because of the way my body was, I had some different opportunities, like my swimsuit calendars.” She even shared her nostalgia for the 90s, particularly when it comes to the diet fads, “Remember back in the 90s when people thought that a big bowl of pasta was a low-calorie option? Those were the days! Today, eating that is like eating a sundae.” (FREEMAN)


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