Experience IMAX classic films at SM

CEBU, Philippines - SM Cinema is inviting schools, organizers, and tour operators to watch the IMAX Classic Films at the IMAX Theatre for a very reasonable price.

Price is at P250 per head for 199 persons or below, P150 per head for 200 to 363 persons, and P125 per head for 364 to 455 persons except for IMAX Hollywood movies which is priced at P250.

These movies include a documentary about the creatures found deep below the ocean’s surface – “Deep Sea 3D,” a documentary of the grandeur and mysteries of celestial surroundings – “Hubble 3D.”

Other movies include “To The Arctic,” a story of one mother polar bear’s determination to keep her cubs alive in the face of natural predators and a rapidly changing climate; “Born to be Wild,” an inspired story of love, dedication and the remarkable bond between humans and animals. This film documents orphaned orangutans and elephants and the extraordinary people who rescue and raise them — saving endangered species one life at a time; “Space Station 3D,” the first 3D live-action film to be shot in space. Using advanced 3D technology, the film tells the story of the greatest engineering feat since a man landed on the Moon; “Galapagos,” a film that focuses on the work of Smithsonian-based biologist Carol Baldwin and outlines Charles Darwin’s theories on natural selection. Highlights include footage of the giant Galapagos tortoise and the Galapagos iguana, which perfectly camouflages itself against the gray rock on which it suns itself; and “Under the Sea” that takes viewers to the most exotic and isolated undersea locations on Earth.

For bookings and reservations, contact SM Cinema at 231-4852 or 231-3876. (FREEMAN)

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