Unfinished business  

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you see your past catching up with you? Well, it does not have to be something so dramatic, though it can be.

But take for instance, a task that you have set aside thinking then that it was not urgent or important, until it becomes urgent and important, and you stress yourself up having to cope with the task in a very short time.

Oftentimes, we shelve our “not so desired tasks” aside because they are not among our favorite things to do.

But there is one very important task that we have to give focus on early on. And that is building our faith. It can start with understanding what is most valuable to us. Oftentimes we are caught up in the swirls of everyday activities and we place building our faith to the years when our legs become arthritic, or we are confronted with a health issue that forces us to be still.

So like in an exam, we cram, we hurry to understand why, we clutch on the straws that make our stairway to heaven. And since they are weak, we fall, and we fail and end up unfinished as we stand in the finish line. You get me?

I had a friend whose brother was so sick. I did not want to attend our prayer group meetings at their place because it would depress me, not knowing how to help him or comfort him. And since he was already blind, he would painfully wish he had the sight to read the Bible, or the strength to go around and share his faith.

Without his knowing, he already did. I took the cue from his wish, and while my faculties are still okay, I continue to try to study, though I must admit, not as fervently perhaps as God would have desired. 

I realized that we have to look into the main business of our existence while we still can.  While we still have the strength. In fact, it should be because we have the strength. It is not fair to give God the dregs of our time. When all is failing, that’s the only time we give His word attention. Or the work he has assigned to us.

Where we are, with what we have is the right time to do the business we have been tasked to do. Doing our jobs well, making fair business deals, performing our corporate social responsibility because we part of this world and we are to make it better. Doing good and being good not because we want praise but because it is the right thing to do. This is the main business we must finish.

When we postpone doing what is right, just, and good to our older years, we might end up unfinished. 

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