Boost Your Success: Start living with more urgency

There are a ton of things we say we want to do, yet only so many things we actually do. But if you can understand and address the reasons why you struggle to follow through, it can help you transform everything and achieve more success in the future.

Accept the following view expressed by Jessie Potter: “If you always do what you’ve always done, you always get what you’ve always gotten.”

For example, during the pandemic, many of us gained lots of free time to achieve what we’ve said we wanted to do—write a book, get in shape, learn a language, become an entrepreneur, etc. Yet many of us, instead, ended up using that time to bake bread and watch every Netflix series, twice. But it is amazing at the same time that many of have become entrepreneurs because of the pandemic, seeing the opportunities i.e. in e-commerce or digitalization and moved into these business fields.

Look, I know the pandemic is hard; if you don’t maximize every second of your time, it’s understandable. But on the other hand, we don’t get that time back. So if someone is stuck at home with more free time than they’ve had since high school, then why don’t they use that time to do what they wanted? And if they didn’t take action when they had tons of free time, how would they do it when they have less?

Why you need more urgency

The truth is every day is another opportunity to take action toward the things you want to achieve and experience in your life—and you can’t let too many of those moments slip away.

We all know life goes fast and the best years of our lives go even faster. Yet too many people act as if they have all the time in the world. They create many important goals and plans for their lives, but they hesitate, make excuses, or delay their actions indefinitely. All the while, time keeps on passing.

The unfortunate truth is few people are willing to squeeze the most out of every moment they have on this Earth to get what they want. And because of that, they’ll never reach their full potential.

Urgency separates people who make things happen from those who don’t. When you have it, you feel a stronger motivation. I look forward to waking up in the morning to work on my goals (after I walk the dogs at 5am and play tennis at 6:30am). I strongly suggest you roll up your sleeves, make fewer excuses, and overcome whatever life throws your way.

How to live with more urgency

The first step is to take full ownership of your life. (This is a common theme with my articles.) Don’t let your cognitive dissonance create excuses and stories about why you’re struggling: If you don’t like your situation, take full responsibility and control.

What’s the first step you can take to improve things? How can you empower yourself? What options or opportunities do you have right in front of you? Make the most of them and the universe will reward your efforts!

The second step is to regularly remind yourself that life goes by fast. Because if you’re unaware of your time speeding by—and you’re using it on unsatisfying pursuits—your life will rapidly pass and you will not enjoy every successful ‘moment’. Did you notice that I did not use day or month?

What reminders you can use to remind yourself that time is fleeting? You can use a sign, picture, image, or quote and put it in your home or office to help you remember that each day is another you don’t get back.

I refuse to let all those precious years, months, days, moments in the prime of my life slip away. So I work my ass off and use it to transform myself in countless ways.

It’s simple: To achieve more success, take action now.

You can’t afford to waste any more time.

It doesn’t come back.

Are you ready?

Let’s go.

Feedback would be more than welcome; maybe I am on the wrong track, let me know; contact me at

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