Taiwanese ESL students in Cebu rising in number

CEBU, Philippines — Taiwanese are catching up with Koreans and Japanese in making Cebu as their preferred destination to learn English.

Department of Tourism (DOT-7) regional director Shalimar Tamano reported that Taiwanese are competing with Koreans in terms of enrolling in ESL crash courses in Cebu, thus staying longer than the usual tourists.

Aside from boosting the tourists spending in Cebu, their experience as students is also a good marketing tool while they consider Cebu as their alma matter.

Cebu’s positioning in education tourism Tamano said has a long term effect for Cebu, as the bond created between the students and Cebu is lasting.

The entry of more Taiwanese to take their English learning here, he added also provides more opportunities for Cebuanos to find a job or sidelines.

Earlier, Tourism advocate Robert Lim Joseph urged Cebu to sharpen its niche in ESL as this sector is seen to multiply its contribution to the province’s tourism receipts.

Joseph made this statement following the pronouncement of the Department of Tourism (DOT) to create an ESL roadmap to boost the education tourism in the country.

Joseph said Cebu has already carved its name in the primary markets in ESL, like Korean, and Japanese and it should further capitalize this niche, as roadmap creation is seen to boost ESL related travelers.

Cebu’s proximity to the beaches, presence of direct flights to Asian destinations, cheaper ESL rates and highly qualified English teachers have  made the province attractive for non-English speaking students.

In fact, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) urged Filipino entrepreneurs to take advantage of the opportunity to invest in ESL service.

DTI noted the huge potential for Chinese nationals coming to the Philippines to learn English as China is experiencing a shortage of bilingual workforce.

Meanwhile, the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) also announced its interest to include institutions that are offering ESL services to be part in the roster of companies availing exclusive fiscal incentives. (FREEMAN)

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