My wish list for the next president

You may have your own candidate for president now, but if you have not decided yet or have yet to change your mind, you might want to entertain my wish list for the next president. Here it goes:

Amendment to the Constitution. This is very long overdue. The farmers of the 1987 Constitution were kind of recovering from the atrocities of the Martial Law apart from the fact that they had to tailor it to suit the prevailing anti-American persuasion at the time. The ensuing effect to this nearly xenophobic kind of nationalism is reflected in the way we treat foreign investments. Foreigners are forced to use dummies to be able to do business here only to be duped later by their local partners.   

On the issue of land ownership by foreigners, why can’t we allow a foreigner to live in our country when many of us have lived and bought lands in other countries? Why are we so afraid of letting them own a land when they can’t bring it anywhere if they want to leave?  

The present Constitution needs to respond to the present economic conditions as it has now become a liability than an asset to the nation’s progress. Many presidents have passed and all of them, despite the obvious benefits of a constitutional change, were afraid to even take it up for a reasoned discussion for fear of losing their popularity.  

Will and Resolve. We don’t need a thinking president. We have had them in the past that they can afford to do nothing but think. We love thinkers, but we are not here to talk about philosophy or religion to solve the country’s misfortunes. A thinking leader is not what we need. We have had enough of them in the past and our troubles still lay on the shoulders of many Filipinos because they spend more time thinking than doing.

The doing part is what this country needs and is also my wish. I don’t need a president whose demeanors are in keeping with the royalties much less care if that president speaks the language of a heckler – what is important is he is true to himself. We have been hoodwinked many times by leaders whose words were only as good as the day they were spoken. I believe that leaders cannot be measured by speech and language alone. It is by how he gets things done.

Safety, Security and Order. All our economic gains would be meaningless if we are not safe to enjoy them. The only time that you feel safe is when you’re at home. No, not even at home. One way or another, you were once a victim of a crime at home or by the neighborhood. I was and for many times. I have witnessed crimes happening in front of me – people killed or dispossessed of their belongings forcefully and you feel helpless to lift a finger. Criminals are not only armed to the teeth, they are also well connected.

On this issue of order, we have not achieved that kind of order we want of this country. Traffic will have to stay for as long as we have undisciplined motorists. We need a president that who does not only get things organized but a president that can command obedience also.

Practically all presidentiables are bannering these issues in this platform. And I’d wish that if ever they get elected, would act on a crime swiftly without fear or favor and; to not only enforce discipline but institutionalize it in all parts of the government to become good examples.   

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