Government agencies initiate nationwide livelihood program

CEBU, Philippines - The Department of Science and Technology (DOST), together with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), will lead in introducing a program that will prioritize in rebuilding some communities in the country badly hit by the two disasters.

A nationwide livelihood program that will be technology-driven, resource-based and sustainable will soon be implemented by the two government agencies, said DOST chief Mario G. Montejo.

Priority beneficiaries of the livelihood program are Filipinos who are economically displaced and marginalized due to natural and man-made calamities, including the returning or displaced OFWs and their families.

“We do not only aim to rebuild communities,” said Montejo, “but also to enhance the resilience of our communities with the aid of technology.”

The program, also in collaboration with the trade and agriculture departments, will have several components, including the establishment of community-based enterprises, business incubators, business and technology centers, innovation and knowledge centers, and promotion of climate change mitigation to increase community disaster resiliency.

Business and technology incubators will provide a package of support services to start-up enterprises while business and technology centers will serve as alternative sites and technology terminals to create new or revived enterprises. Innovation and knowledge centers, meanwhile, will provide relevant information on science, technology and innovation.

DOLE  will provide working capital in the form of raw materials, equipment, tools and jigs; trainings on skills and entrepreneurship, and organizational development, as well as on productivity, safety and health; and facilitate entrepreneurs’ enrollment to micro-insurance.

Within the next 30 days, DOST and DOLE regional offices will conduct consultations with possible beneficiaries and come up with a detailed action plan.

DOST’s priority technologies to be included in the livelihood program are indigenous handicraft making, fiber glass bancas, foldaway shelter, ceramic water pot filter, bakery products, charcoal briquetting, vegetable noodles, waste recycling, and complementary foods for babies.

For the fishery sector, livelihood packages include smokehouse kits, fish canning and bottling, fish and squid drying, vacuum packing, fish fillet, and minced fish.

While DOST will provide appropriate technologies and livelihood training, DOLE will handle the employment aspect.

The Department of Trade and Industry will take care of the market side and the Department of Agriculture will manage the agriculture and fishery aspect.

“The use of technology (in the livelihoods) will create value,” Montejo stressed. “The convergence of agencies ensures that there will be markets, and value-adding through technology ensure the program’s sustainability.”

On resource-based livelihoods, he explained, “Whatever we find in a certain area, we will create a product out of it using technology, add value to it, and find market for it.”

As an example, he shared that his meetings with the local officials in Jaro, Leyte where they planned to package their local lechon (roasted pig) as “Yolanda-brand” and find market for it in Manila.

Meanwhile,  in Basey, Samar, their abundant root crop camote (sweet potato) can be processed into chips, and appropriately packaged to make it competitive in the market. /JMD (FREEMAN)


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