ICCP Group initiates relief ops for Yolanda victims

CEBU, Philippines - The Investment & Capital Corporation of the Philippines (ICCP), which is the parent company of the World Trade Center Metro Manila, is answering the call to help the typhoon victims.

Through its foundation and social development arm, ICCP Group Foundation, Inc. (IGFI), the conduct of  relief operations in three remote barangays in Borbon, Northern Cebu started last November 13.  Bigger relief operations followed in three other towns, namely, Bantayan, Sta Fe, and Madridejos, all of which are in Bantayan Island.

The IGFI provides assistance to poor communities through its strategic, sustainable and integrated development programs and projects. It partners with other development groups such as local government units (LGUs), community-based organizations (CBOs) corporate foundations, and other like-minded organizations to efficiently and effectively implement its social development activities.

The IGFI has decided to focus its relief operations efforts in Northern Cebu as it was equally badly hit by Haiyan, but is getting less attention inasmuch as most foreign and local media, as well as international and local relief agencies, are concentrated in the island of Leyte.

Bantayan island, which is situated in Northern Cebu, has a population of 136,960, of which 90% or 123,325 individuals were affected; 12,957 of the houses there were damaged, leaving 21 dead and 95 injured. These figures may not be as great compared to Leyte and Samar, but the relief undertaking is nonetheless seriously needed to rebuild what has remained in the island and bring hope of a new beginning to the victims there.

IGFI is preparing a rehabilitation and recovery plan, and will have a pilot village to adopt in Bantayan Island. The idea is to initially work on a doable, smaller scale rehabilitation and recovery work that will be more meaningful and sustainable; rather than a short-lived relief operation residents in the pilot village will be assisted in rebuilding their simple houses as well as in starting anew their livelihood mainly providing aid for the repair or provision of new bancas and fishnets. 

Repair of health centers and educational facilities will also an important part of IGFI’s rehabilitation and recovery program for the pilot village. 

IGFI and Cebu Light Industrial Park,  a subsidiary of ICCP,  along with CLIP Locator companies earlier conducted relief operation in Antequera, Bohol for the earthquake victims.   (FREEMAN)

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