Cebu-based franchise guru goes national

CEBU, Philippines - Acknowledging the robust growth of the franchising industry in the Philippines and its contribution to the national economy, a Cebu-based franchising guru organizes a seminar today in Quezon City.

RK Franchise Consultancy, Inc. founder Rudolf Kotik will conduct a seminar entitled "Franchising and Trademarking" today from 1:30 PM to 5 PM at Unit 104, Ground Floor, Minnesota Mansion, 267 Ermin Garcia Street, Cubao, Quezon City.

Kotik has been known as a franchise expert for 35 years in three continents who has developed more than 450 Filipino companies into franchise systems.

His company, RK Franchise Consultancy, Inc., is a member of the Filipino International Franchise Association (FIFA), Philippines Franchise Association (PFA) and World Franchise Consultants.

The seminar will tackle on how an entrepreneur can become a franchisor by successfully developing his business into a thriving franchise system and expanding his business further.

It will also help orient an interested franchisee on how to effectively choose and research various franchise opportunities available in the market and find the right franchise business.

It will also discuss topics on the basics and history of franchising, its benefits, advantages and demands, common mistakes by franchise buyers, legal franchise requirements, trademarking and the future of franchising in the years ahead.

The seminar will have a regular registration fee of P1,200 that is inclusive of seminar materials, Kotik's bestselling book "All About Franchising" on CD, snacks, free basement parking, seminar certificate and free initial consultation.

For the last 15 years, Kotik has observed that the franchising industry posted a vibrant growth of at least 20 percent in the Visayas and Mindanao regions.

He added that 60 percent of such growth is contributed by the food franchises while 30 percent could be attributed to the beauty and wellness industry.

He, however, cited that the retail sector specifically the clothing industry is the least growing franchise business with the emergence of ukay-ukay stores.

Kotik further noted that franchising actually benefits investors since they could develop their businesses and expand nationwide through a system that is tested and proven profitable at a lower cost.

The least amount of capital for franchise carts is  P250,000. /JMD (FREEMAN)

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