What 2006 whispered to me
January 7, 2007 | 12:00am
1. Where you are now is exactly where God wants you to be.
This truth has simplified and charmed life for me in more ways than I thought possible. I cannot remember the exact moment I melted into it; all I know for sure is that I started consciously being reflective and accepting of it very early last year. Maybe someone said it to me in passing, or I came across it in a book I was reading, or that nugget of wisdom jumped out from a friends sharing; I cannot recall. But it has changed my inner shape. And thus far I have learned to: not fret and stop wiggling like a fish out of water, cease huffing and puffing, do away with stressing and worrying (which, in hindsight, happened to be my favorite pastime). Doing one or all of the above feels like a self-imposed punishment now.
So whether you are jammed in traffic, shaken and stirred in sadness, late for an appointment, caught at a crossroads, or stuck with shoes that dont match and a terribly bad hair day in an important meeting bursting at the seams with even more important people, know that all is/will be well. In time. There are no coincidences. It is part of a bigger plan and where you are at any given moment is exactly where God wants you to be.
Life is fluid and even the best-laid plans can go off-center, sometimes not happily so, and knowing in your heart of hearts that God is present, with His arm around your shoulder 24/7 makes all the difference. And then that is all that matters. You may be going through something that you cannot make heads or tails of, yet you can rest easy because beside you is Someone who already knows where the road is leading to, who already sees the big picture even as He allows you to be entangled in the inconveniences of the small details. It is all part of the journey. Smile. You are never alone. Learn to roll with the punches and just enjoy the ride. More importantly, always carry your sense of humor like a pill in your pocket.
2. Even the worst of days will start to feel better and look brighter after a good shower and earnest prayer.
The shower part, well, that is a no-brainer, really. Everyone should feel instantly good after a good shower. Maybe that is why I never want to take shortcuts on this everyday ritual that always speaks to me of a fresh start, a revitalized take on things, a second wind. There is something about the combination of slippery water, a fat, big bar of soap, and clean-smelling shampoo that is as comforting as it is necessary. And no matter how blue the day, stepping out from that little personal waterfall, tangibly fresh and clean, does make a difference, if only in a most superficial sense. It always feels like a mini treat, a small parcel of pleasure tied within the confines of a full day, where you have that little time off alone, and the fact that you are in a relaxed environment, engaged in a ritual you do day daily, makes you think, without wanting to, or knowing even. And then some of the nicest, wisest thoughts are born, issues are clearer and a certain philosophic hopefulness clings to the mind, the way scent does to skin. It is strange, but it is also true.
On a more essential note, Mother Teresa, when she was crossing into Gaza, was asked whether she was carrying any weapons. She replied: "Oh yes, my prayer books."
Amen to that. I know I do not pray as often or as much as Mother Teresa probably did, far from it. But this much I know I have known it as far back as when I was but seven years old, near tears because of the precious little red Raggedy Ann notebook I lost (many hours and many prayers later I finally found it under the sofa!) prayer is the most effective weapon I know. It works for lost items and damaged toys, broken hearts, bright aspirations, and everything else in between. When people have hurt and wronged you there is no need to lift a finger in revenge. Feel bad, feel sad, cry for four hours (or four days) straight if you have to that is part of the human factor but let it end there. God has a way of panning things out way better than you ever could. Life is not always fair, but God is. Karma is a reality, and what goes around always comes around.
Prayer is a great weapon, inexpensive yet potent. So in and for all things, big or small, pray. Happy or sad, pray.
When you commit your plans to That Great Guy Up There, He will ensure the best outcome for you. Acknowledge that he has a design for your life and surrender to His direction. We are but beloved soldiers, all we really need to do is obey.
Still from Mother Teresa: "Silence is the beautiful fruit of prayer. There are five silences silence of the mouth, of the heart, of the eyes, of the ears, and of the mind." May we all learn to be still when it matters most, in all five ways, even when the world whirls in a hazy, crazy daze, and just simply know that there is God. Silence is Gods first language.
3. You make time for what you choose to have in your life.
Enough said. When you are committed to something, or someone, you make time for this thing, that person. Think about that the next time you "feel" you are too busy to pay your sick relative a visit, take up the new sport you always wanted to try, follow a dream, play with a child, spend time with your family.
4. Happiness begins with you.
Now. It does not happen when you become a billionaire, when you find your soulmate, get married, build your dream house, when you learn to bake the best chocolate cake in the world, when you go to Europe for a whole month, when you get the newest Fendi bag or the sexiest Christian Louboutin shoes. As you dream and work your way to all that I believe you must already be happy, in your eyes, through your heart, all the way down to your toes. You cannot anchor your happiness on someone or something; on your own you have to be complete. Everything and everyone else is just icing on the cake. Happiness is a choice. Count your blessings, the many that heaven slips into your day, and just be happy.
5. Simplify your life.
Say no guiltlessly if you really dont have the time or the energy. You do not have to go to that stuffy dinner, hang out with people you dont get along with, keep in touch with toxic, negative characters just because youve known them all your life. Celebrate your choices. Simplify and be detached from material things. You only have one arm so you dont really need five more new watches, eight more bracelets. Go for quality over quantity. Have a decent amount of lovely clothes, bags and shoes in your closet and stop buying those "good deals" that fall apart after the first washing. Dont throw away hard-earned money that way.
6. Share, share, share.
There is going to be enough for everybody. The more you share, the more you have, really. It is that simple. Like grandma always says, "What goes around, comes around." Try to go the extra mile and be generous with your time, your talents, yourself. Life will smile back at you. Wait and see.
This truth has simplified and charmed life for me in more ways than I thought possible. I cannot remember the exact moment I melted into it; all I know for sure is that I started consciously being reflective and accepting of it very early last year. Maybe someone said it to me in passing, or I came across it in a book I was reading, or that nugget of wisdom jumped out from a friends sharing; I cannot recall. But it has changed my inner shape. And thus far I have learned to: not fret and stop wiggling like a fish out of water, cease huffing and puffing, do away with stressing and worrying (which, in hindsight, happened to be my favorite pastime). Doing one or all of the above feels like a self-imposed punishment now.
So whether you are jammed in traffic, shaken and stirred in sadness, late for an appointment, caught at a crossroads, or stuck with shoes that dont match and a terribly bad hair day in an important meeting bursting at the seams with even more important people, know that all is/will be well. In time. There are no coincidences. It is part of a bigger plan and where you are at any given moment is exactly where God wants you to be.
Life is fluid and even the best-laid plans can go off-center, sometimes not happily so, and knowing in your heart of hearts that God is present, with His arm around your shoulder 24/7 makes all the difference. And then that is all that matters. You may be going through something that you cannot make heads or tails of, yet you can rest easy because beside you is Someone who already knows where the road is leading to, who already sees the big picture even as He allows you to be entangled in the inconveniences of the small details. It is all part of the journey. Smile. You are never alone. Learn to roll with the punches and just enjoy the ride. More importantly, always carry your sense of humor like a pill in your pocket.
2. Even the worst of days will start to feel better and look brighter after a good shower and earnest prayer.
The shower part, well, that is a no-brainer, really. Everyone should feel instantly good after a good shower. Maybe that is why I never want to take shortcuts on this everyday ritual that always speaks to me of a fresh start, a revitalized take on things, a second wind. There is something about the combination of slippery water, a fat, big bar of soap, and clean-smelling shampoo that is as comforting as it is necessary. And no matter how blue the day, stepping out from that little personal waterfall, tangibly fresh and clean, does make a difference, if only in a most superficial sense. It always feels like a mini treat, a small parcel of pleasure tied within the confines of a full day, where you have that little time off alone, and the fact that you are in a relaxed environment, engaged in a ritual you do day daily, makes you think, without wanting to, or knowing even. And then some of the nicest, wisest thoughts are born, issues are clearer and a certain philosophic hopefulness clings to the mind, the way scent does to skin. It is strange, but it is also true.
On a more essential note, Mother Teresa, when she was crossing into Gaza, was asked whether she was carrying any weapons. She replied: "Oh yes, my prayer books."
Amen to that. I know I do not pray as often or as much as Mother Teresa probably did, far from it. But this much I know I have known it as far back as when I was but seven years old, near tears because of the precious little red Raggedy Ann notebook I lost (many hours and many prayers later I finally found it under the sofa!) prayer is the most effective weapon I know. It works for lost items and damaged toys, broken hearts, bright aspirations, and everything else in between. When people have hurt and wronged you there is no need to lift a finger in revenge. Feel bad, feel sad, cry for four hours (or four days) straight if you have to that is part of the human factor but let it end there. God has a way of panning things out way better than you ever could. Life is not always fair, but God is. Karma is a reality, and what goes around always comes around.
Prayer is a great weapon, inexpensive yet potent. So in and for all things, big or small, pray. Happy or sad, pray.
When you commit your plans to That Great Guy Up There, He will ensure the best outcome for you. Acknowledge that he has a design for your life and surrender to His direction. We are but beloved soldiers, all we really need to do is obey.
Still from Mother Teresa: "Silence is the beautiful fruit of prayer. There are five silences silence of the mouth, of the heart, of the eyes, of the ears, and of the mind." May we all learn to be still when it matters most, in all five ways, even when the world whirls in a hazy, crazy daze, and just simply know that there is God. Silence is Gods first language.
3. You make time for what you choose to have in your life.
Enough said. When you are committed to something, or someone, you make time for this thing, that person. Think about that the next time you "feel" you are too busy to pay your sick relative a visit, take up the new sport you always wanted to try, follow a dream, play with a child, spend time with your family.
4. Happiness begins with you.
Now. It does not happen when you become a billionaire, when you find your soulmate, get married, build your dream house, when you learn to bake the best chocolate cake in the world, when you go to Europe for a whole month, when you get the newest Fendi bag or the sexiest Christian Louboutin shoes. As you dream and work your way to all that I believe you must already be happy, in your eyes, through your heart, all the way down to your toes. You cannot anchor your happiness on someone or something; on your own you have to be complete. Everything and everyone else is just icing on the cake. Happiness is a choice. Count your blessings, the many that heaven slips into your day, and just be happy.
5. Simplify your life.
Say no guiltlessly if you really dont have the time or the energy. You do not have to go to that stuffy dinner, hang out with people you dont get along with, keep in touch with toxic, negative characters just because youve known them all your life. Celebrate your choices. Simplify and be detached from material things. You only have one arm so you dont really need five more new watches, eight more bracelets. Go for quality over quantity. Have a decent amount of lovely clothes, bags and shoes in your closet and stop buying those "good deals" that fall apart after the first washing. Dont throw away hard-earned money that way.
6. Share, share, share.
There is going to be enough for everybody. The more you share, the more you have, really. It is that simple. Like grandma always says, "What goes around, comes around." Try to go the extra mile and be generous with your time, your talents, yourself. Life will smile back at you. Wait and see.
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