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Sunday Lifestyle

Lead the way

Last week, GMA called on the Filipino people to sacrifice for the EVAT. Huh? GMA cannot ask anyone to sacrifice when her government spends billions on phone calls, and she spends even more to keep herself in power. Nope, not when she’s bringing this country to ruin. Ignacio Bunye, adding his usual imaginary cherry topping, said, "The government is also going after tax cheats, smugglers and other economic saboteurs." Earlier that week, he said that anyone who broke the law must be held liable. Perhaps he should convince his boss to take the first hit and then bare his chest for the second. After all, the best way to lead is by example.

The problem with this government is that it no longer sees itself. If it did, it wouldn’t be stupid enough to say that law-breakers should go to jail or that we must sacrifice, because they’d know that their names would be first on the list. We would all do it in a flash if we knew the fruit of our efforts would be used towards the right end, but we’ve all been burned too many times by the ruthlessness and greed of the very people who dare ask us to sacrifice. Even more insulting is we’re treated as if we were blind and ignorant. Give more, give more, we are asked, and all they do is take, take, and take more for themselves.

GMA does not have the moral authority to rule. I cringe each time she speaks of moving forward, building the nation, creating jobs, balancing the budget, etc., etc. These are all empty words. There is absolutely nothing behind them. Why should anyone heed her? Everyone knows what she’s done. Only those who do not recognize the value of integrity and truth as the foundation of human life still rally behind her. Many years ago, she would have been on the side of truth, right there with all the pro-impeachment congressmen. (Or maybe I’m giving her too much credit.) That’s what happens when your inner core is too weak to hold itself together against the dark side of power. All her fervent praying is for naught if she can’t live the truth and face the consequences of her actions. Only true leaders can do this after all.

During Pag-Asa’s (Peoples Assembly for Genuine Alternatives Against Social Apathy) celebration of its 100 days of prayer and fasting, former Vice President Teofisto Guingona said that his recent water cannon experience reminded him of the fight against Marcos some 30 years ago. I don’t want to be in my 70s, laughing sadly at how the bad times have come full circle. That’s not the way it should be. We should be moving forward, not in circles. For as long as we feel that government is a sphere of society that is best left alone, we will continue this going-nowhere dance. But once we realize that we are all responsible for our present situation and decide to be active not just in our homes but outside of it, things will change.

Many believe the best way to deal with GMA and her cronies is to keep working and doing their share where they are: life despite government. There really is a need to keep going and strive even more, but we cannot pretend the problem doesn’t exist and we are not part of it. This is our society, after all. What we decide to do – or not to do – creates it. Shutting out the news doesn’t erase the problem. Our lack of involvement only adds to it by creating the kind of atmosphere that encourages evil. The less we do to fight it, the more deeply entrenched it becomes. We have to keep going against the negative forces in our society.

I have my own limitations to respect. I have two little boys to raise. Too many meetings take me away from them, so I have to consciously adjust and absent myself when I know one more hour away from home will tip the balance. There are many activities and I can’t join them all. My children see newspaper images of rallies, of people being hosed down, and I sense a certain anxiety in them that I have to appease and heal. Mama will stay home. Mama will be at the People Power Monument just praying and I will be home right after. They are always my priority. But I have to do what I can. So I continue to write my columns, answer mail from like-minded people searching for truth, and encourage others to find ways to do their work but also find a way to be socially engaged. We cannot leave the world the way we came into it. For our children, we must make every effort to improve it. We have to find creative ways to be socially active, ways that make sense in the context of our lives.

The spiritual battle is very much fought on the physical plane. Good cannot isolate itself from evil and presume its job is done. We have to do our share of good, but it is part of our task to make sure it surges out into society and the world. That should be part of every human intention. It is the only hope for evil to transform. The Christ Himself came to earth and involved Himself in everything that needed transformation, including politics. Where there is much evil, more active intervention is needed.

We continue to ask GMA to step down, recognizing her ability to make that choice in freedom. The fact that she refuses to resign or even tell the truth, even though she knows exactly how she broke the law, tells us that serving the Filipino people is not on her agenda. We have her stubbornness, lack of honor, pride and greed to thank for the chaos that has ensued from her actions and choices. Only a true leader can unite us. That person is not GMA. She cannot ask us for anything. She lost that right the day she turned her back on democracy and said hello to Garci.

Only truth will restore peace and unity in this country. There is nothing clearer than that. It takes the vigilance and commitment of everyone in this country to see that the path is cleared, maintained and walked by all. We must all be active in this fight. There are many sacrifices to be made on the road to healing, but we will only heed a leader who leads by example. Let the true leaders show the way.
* * *
Pag-Asa has launched its signature campaign against GMA. We expect a million and more signatures. Last Friday, Korina Sanchez aired the phone number of our Signature Campaign Secretariat on her DZMM radio program. The phones have since been ringing off the hook. This campaign is just the thing angry and frustrated citizens are looking for. The full statement and instructions for the signature campaign can be read at, or call 687-7481 or 687-7482. Log on, print out the form, and send it to everyone. Take a stand now.
* * *
I can be reached at Sorry, but I do not open attachments. Pag-Asa Masses continue at 6 p.m. nightly at the People Power Monument. Thank you for your letters.

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