John Hay golfers score twin kill

Manila Southwoods-2 members Danny Samaniego, Monet Garcia, Joseph Tambunting, Raul Magpantay, Thirdy Escaño and Edmund Yee pose after winning the Am-Championship division of the 73rd Januarius Fil-Am Golf Invitational.

Baguio, Philippines — Camp John Hay Golf Club completed a double victory in both Fil and Am-A divisions of the 73rd Januarius Fil-Am Golf Invitational.

CJHGC-1 ruled the Fil after scoring 92 points at the Baguio Country Club and a closing 410 total while CJHGC-2 stamped its class in Am with 118 at Camp John Hay for 385.

In Fil-B, competition was so tight that four teams contended for the crown. MGC-Mimosa (73-356) prevailed over Baguio Country Club-1 (76-353), Robros JV Golf Team-1 (74-352) and Hotel Bahia (78-349).

Seattle Fil-Am (106-352) took home the plum in Am-B.

The winner in the other senior divisions were Fil-Am Japan 67-322 (Fil-C), Baguio Country Club-2 92-320 (Am-C), Eaglemasters-1 56-289 (Fil-D), Team Na Koa-2 82-277 (Am-D), Pinewoods Kumpadres 54-301 (Fil-E) and FOTC Barakos Am 70-267.

City of Pines (82-296) won in the regular Fil-F and Palm Grove (94-303) in Am-F.

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