

Spikers’ Turf kicks off Open Conference

The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines — Santa Rosa tests a debuting Imus while Navy and Army collide in a pair of matches tipped to stir up play at the start of the Spikers’ Turf Open Conference today at the Paco Arena in Manila.

The Laguna-based Lions showed a lot of promise in their league debut last year, and are going into battle armed with added firepower after signing up former VNS hitters Uriel Mendoza and Kevin Montemayor.

“We played with an under-17 team the first time out. But now, we have new players,” said Lions assistant coach Carlos Cantor, whose wards placed fifth in the last edition ruled by National U. “Now, we aim to make it to the Top 4.”

But the Imus AJAA Spikers, handled by veteran coach Sammy Acaylar, also formed a formidable squad led by his aces at Perpetual Help, including Louie Ramirez and Hero Austria, with two-time league best setter Ish Polvorosa, four-time best libero Ricky Marcos, and many-time best middle blocker winners Anjo Pertierra, Kim Malabunga and Francis Saura backstopping the team.

That makes their 4 p.m. showdown worth watching although focus will also be on the 6 p.m. face-off between the Sealions and the Army Troopers, who placed third and last, respectively, in last year’s seven-team competition.

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