No pressure from Gilas women for injury-hit Animam to return right away

Jack Animam in her stint with Perlas Pilipinas in the FIBA Women's Asia Cup last July 2017.

MANILA, Philippines — Gilas women coach Pat Aquino said that he is in no rush to get Jack Animam back in his lineup as the latter is recovering from a knee injury in the US.

Animam, who suffered an ACL tear while playing professionally in Serbia, will miss out on several months of action — including their gold medal defense at the 31st Southeast Asian Games in May.

But Aquino is putting his ward's recovery first and foremost and looks ahead to the long-term effect of the injury on Animam's career.

"At first I was sad about the injury, of course, with all the things like the Southeast Asian Games and now, we've been invited for the first time in the Asian Games. [But] I just told her, you know, just get well soon, hope you recover with this," Aquino told Quinito Henson and Dyan Castillejo's recent episode of Playitright TV.

"I'm not pressuring you to come back or anything. I know it's better to have rehab [for a] full recovery [for] more extended time with the Gilas and your profession, definitely," he added.

Having handled Animam since her collegiate days in National University, Aquino is very keen on prioritizing the 23-year-old's long term goals.

"It's a very big factor. It's not just the Southeast Asian Games [this year], [it's] so she can play more than the Southeast Asian Games in the future," Aquino said.

"So stay cool and work hard... When you come back from this you'll be better," he added.

Animam was a crucial cog in the Gilas women team that won gold in both 5-on-5 and 3x3 in the 2019 SEA Games held in Manila.

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