Olympian Fact Sheet: Eumir Marcial (Boxing)

Eumir Marcial of boxing

Another favorite to nab a long-awaited Olympic gold medal is boxer Eumir Marcial, who has also been designated as a flag-bearer for the opening ceremonies.

The multiple-tournament gold medal winner also recently turned professional, adding to his stature as a one of the top-caliber boxers in Tokyo.

He is currently signed to boxing icon Manny Pacquiao’s MP Promotions.

See Marcial fight for the elusive gold with his event’s schedule:

Middleweight R32: July 26, 11:35 a.m. - Kokugikan Arena; 5:36 p.m. - Kokugikan Arena

Middleweight R16 (if qualified): July 29, 10 a.m. - Kokugikan Arena; 4 p.m. - Kokugikan Arena

Middleweight Quarterfinal (if qualified): August 1, 11:18 a.m. - Kokugikan Arena; 5:18 p.m - Kokugikan Arena

Middleweight Semifinal (if qualified): August 5, 2:03 p.m. - Kokugikan Arena

Middleweight Final (if qualified): August 7, 1:45 p.m. - Kokugikan Arena

Read more about Marcial's Tokyo exploits in his Olympian Tracker page.

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