MANILA, Philippines — The Blackwater Elite are also in hot water as far as the Games and Amusements Board is concerned.
GAB chairman Baham Mitra said the PBA squad faces possible sanction for “failing to comply with existing IATF protocols when it held practice over the weekend without GAB’s prior approval."
“The JAO (Joint Administrative Order) of the GAB, Philippine Sports Commission and Department of Health plus the IATF resolution have not yet come out and they violated the restrictions,” Mitra said.
In his letter to Blackwater governor Silliman Sy yesterday, Mitra reminded the team that the implementing guidelines for the training resumption hasn’t been issued by authorities yet.
“Please be reminded that although the IATF already approved team trainings through IATF resolution No. 51, the GAB and DOH have yet to sign the Joint Administrative Order, “ Mitra wrote.
“The JAO will serve as the implementing guidelines which shall govern the conduct of professional and non-professional sports trainings while the country is under community quarantine,” he explained.
GAB is conducting a separate probe from the PBA. The pro league had already asked Blackwater to explain its side on the team workout session its owner mentioned on TV5’s Sports Page last Monday.
“They will be dealt with separately by the PBA and GAB. Possible fines and suspensions will be issued,” said Mitra.
He clarified that the PBA and PFL teams must wait for the official issuance of the JAO and the IATF resolution with the corresponding approved protocols before actually heading to their training venues.
In the show, the Blackwater owner mentioned the Elite holding a team workout last Saturday with two clusters of four players each session and observing the PBA’s health and safety guidelines.
In his letter to Blackwater governor Silliman Sy, Commissioner Willie Marcial made it clear that “physical conditioning activities will not yet start without formal notice” from his office.
Moreover, he reiterated that workout sessions will not be allowed to commence "without the players undergoing the required swab tests.”